Monthly Archives: October 2005

Busy, busy!

We got some new furniture from my Aunt and Uncle who are moving to Florida in a month. I got a new bed for my room which resulted in 2 days of moving shit around. So now my room looks completely different now. Still have to hang some things up and I want to rotate the paintings that are in my room out. Got a CD tower so I can get some more room on my desk and make shit look better. We also got a new couch for the basement. It’s pretty sweet.

I am now all caught up on Lost and tonight is a new episode which I am greatly looking forward to. Last nights Nip/Tuck was another phenominal episode. No sex or violence but the other staples of the show, terrific character development and acting made it a winner.

Picked up Batman Begins and Unleashed on DVD, which I will watch after I finish disc 5 of Full Metal Alchamist. It’s weird, in the past month or so I’ve watch more anime than I have since high school. Speaking of which, everyone should see Samurai Shamploo. Now in my top 5 animes of all time (out of like 10 since 90% of anime is garbage).

Gamewise SSX 4 is out and the more I play it, the more I like it. Don’t think it’s as good as SSX3 which basically made SSX2 obsolete. Stubbs the Zombie comes out this week and I hear it’s riot, I’ll have to check it out.

Jack Thompon is a piece of trash

Long story short, Jack Thompson is “lawyer” and he’s been making headlines in the past few months by condeming violent videogames. The same old shit we’ve heard for years. This shmuck started yelling loudest when the GTA: San Andreas “hot coffee” mod showed up. So he’s been yelling like an idiot, making up facts, threatening people, associating himself with groups that want nothing to do with him. The last stupid thing he’s said was a “challenge” to a developer to make a game where the main character kills his parents because he plays violent videogames. Ugh. Here’s the latest from Penny Arcade who have been dealing with him over the past 2 weeks or so:

It was only a matter of time until a mod team took Jack Thompson’s disgusting revenge fantasy and made it flesh – and, just as I suggested, it was deemed insufficient.

Thompson now claims that his repellent suggestion was “satire,” and we must conclude that his financial offer was also satire, some new breed of satire apparently that I’m sure is just hilarious to people in need.

You know what, Jack? We’re going to be the men you’re not. You said that your insulting, illusory ten thousand dollars would go to the charity of Paul Eibeler’s choice. We’ve got a good guess that he’d direct your nonexistant largesse toward The Entertainment Software Association Foundation, a body that has raised over six point seven million dollars over the last eight years. We’ve just made the donation you never would, and never meant to. Ten thousand dollars’ worth. And we made it in your name.

Check out that mod here

Go get it

I got the Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection and it’s a sight to be hold. Any C & H fan should get this book…hit up to get it for a fucking STEAL. Also, Franz Ferdinand dropped a new CD last week and it’s really good. Great toe tapper with a hint of funk that makes your rump move. Some fantastic drumming and musical soul on this album.

The HP OfficeJet 5600

Bought a new printer today, was originally going to get a networkable printer, but after some discussion, we figured it wasn’t needed. BUT, this bad boy is a printer/scanner/copier/fax machine. I tried out the copier and it’s pretty fucking sweet. Should get to use the fax machine soon for sending out resumes and shit…only think that seems weird is that the ink cartridges are really small. Makes me wonder how long ink will last on this thing. The carts they give you are like 1/4 full so that’s not a good test and they don’t give you a USB cord to hook it up to your computer. Damn cheapskates.

In more life related news, I’m going to turn down a job (more like temp job) with Mercedes. Basically, it’s a making their digital archive of all their promotional material and such. It’s in the Media Production office, but I would be doing nothing to do with my career. The pay is bad ass, but it’s part time and the odds of being let go when the project is done is very high. Sure it’s Mercedes and that makes eyes bulge when you say it, but the negatives out weigh the positives.

Nip/Tuck is not for the timid!

Mom has offically declared Nip/Tuck “evil” and dad said “What the fuck is this” before leaving the room in disgust (during Julia and Seans love scene). They are clearly not in N/T’s demographic. As for me, it was a terrific episode. Matt continues to be all screwed up and called out on it. He thinks he knows everything and is a general douchebag and Sean cracked him one in the face for it. Totally deserved it and Christian thought the same thing as he held back Julia.

Speaking of Christian, he’s seen the error of his ways and is now just going solo with Kimber again, no need to further complicate his life with that psycho cop. And that new doctor continues to be shady, he could throw a lawsuit at Sean and Christian and there is a very good chance he could be the Slasher. It was a solid episode through and through and it looks like next episode will be just as good. Once again the daughter had no screen time.

I also ordered the Calvin and Hobbes Collection and anxiously wait it’s arrival. At 22 pounds, it’s going to rock. And I’ll be watching Disc 3 of Lost, gotta keep charging through, haven’t seen a bad episode yet.

Lords of Dogtown and Lost

I love just about any skater/snowboarding/surfer movie I see, and Lords of Dogtown is no exception. Love might be a strong word, but I liked it a lot. It’s about the kids that basically started the skating industry as we know it today. Back in the mid 70’s the polyurathane wheel was invented (“it comes from oil!”) and these kids (The Z Boys) started doing tricks that no one had seen before, they’re also the ones that started pool skating. California was in a gnarly drought and one of ’em took his board into an empty in ground pool and the rest is history. It helps to have seen the documentary Dogtown and Z Boys as the movie just kinda plops you down on the surf and just takes off. It’s just a fun movie with some good direction, neat sound track and a pretty damn good cast. It’s got it all….sex, drugs and skating. One of the Z boys actually wrote the screenplay so it’s very accurate, although alot was cut out. Check it out.

And now I’m getting into Lost. Just finished the first disc from Netflix and I’ll probably end up whipping through the season as fast as I can to catch up. There’s so much crazy shit that it’s hard not to get sucked in. It’ll must likely take my #2 spot of favorite TV show ever behind Nip/Tuck.