Daily Archives: October 17, 2005

Jack Thompon is a piece of trash

Long story short, Jack Thompson is “lawyer” and he’s been making headlines in the past few months by condeming violent videogames. The same old shit we’ve heard for years. This shmuck started yelling loudest when the GTA: San Andreas “hot coffee” mod showed up. So he’s been yelling like an idiot, making up facts, threatening people, associating himself with groups that want nothing to do with him. The last stupid thing he’s said was a “challenge” to a developer to make a game where the main character kills his parents because he plays violent videogames. Ugh. Here’s the latest from Penny Arcade who have been dealing with him over the past 2 weeks or so:

It was only a matter of time until a mod team took Jack Thompson’s disgusting revenge fantasy and made it flesh – and, just as I suggested, it was deemed insufficient.

Thompson now claims that his repellent suggestion was “satire,” and we must conclude that his financial offer was also satire, some new breed of satire apparently that I’m sure is just hilarious to people in need.

You know what, Jack? We’re going to be the men you’re not. You said that your insulting, illusory ten thousand dollars would go to the charity of Paul Eibeler’s choice. We’ve got a good guess that he’d direct your nonexistant largesse toward The Entertainment Software Association Foundation, a body that has raised over six point seven million dollars over the last eight years. We’ve just made the donation you never would, and never meant to. Ten thousand dollars’ worth. And we made it in your name.

Check out that mod here http://hellfish.gtajunkies.com/Story.html