Lords of Dogtown and Lost

I love just about any skater/snowboarding/surfer movie I see, and Lords of Dogtown is no exception. Love might be a strong word, but I liked it a lot. It’s about the kids that basically started the skating industry as we know it today. Back in the mid 70’s the polyurathane wheel was invented (“it comes from oil!”) and these kids (The Z Boys) started doing tricks that no one had seen before, they’re also the ones that started pool skating. California was in a gnarly drought and one of ’em took his board into an empty in ground pool and the rest is history. It helps to have seen the documentary Dogtown and Z Boys as the movie just kinda plops you down on the surf and just takes off. It’s just a fun movie with some good direction, neat sound track and a pretty damn good cast. It’s got it all….sex, drugs and skating. One of the Z boys actually wrote the screenplay so it’s very accurate, although alot was cut out. Check it out.

And now I’m getting into Lost. Just finished the first disc from Netflix and I’ll probably end up whipping through the season as fast as I can to catch up. There’s so much crazy shit that it’s hard not to get sucked in. It’ll must likely take my #2 spot of favorite TV show ever behind Nip/Tuck.

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