Orphan Black <> Season 5 and Series End

I don’t have much to say as I think Orphan Black went out on top. This show went to some crazy places and largely stayed strong through its entire run. 50 episodes over five seasons. That’s a long time to tell a story and the show runners got to tell a complete one.

I watched the premiere episode the night it aired in 2013 and that first scene on the train platform hooked me. It never let me go. A creative show with an amazing cast, Orphan Black gave me all I look for in entertainment. Characters to love and hate, adventure, suspense, laughs and shocks to the system.

Tatiana Maslany must be praised up, down, left, right, front, and back for her amazing work on this show. She absolutely crushed it in the season finale and she must have some relief knowing that her next big gig won’t be her playing 12 characters. I don’t know how she did it.

Season 5 and especially the finale gave me what I wanted, closure. The main story arc that kicked off with the first episode has been completed. The layers of Dyad and the Neolution have been pulled back and explored. It took a heavy toll through the years. Many did not make it and those that do have scars. I know that while my time following these characters is over, somewhere they continue to live.

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