The Fall and Rise of Alexandria

As much as people complain about “slow” Walking Dead episodes, they’re done for a good reason. Half the show is build up and that takes people down roads they would never go down themselves. The urge to go pedal to the metal in a zombie show never lets up. Walking Dead ended episode 8 in the jowls of the dad to take off for more than two months. So that brings us to this week where everyone is ready for their Walker fix and the show has to basically come back with a second season premiere. Everything paid off on Sunday.

I think every plotline they built out in the first half came to fruition in this one episode and it was insane. I mean this thing kicked off on a nail-biter into a fist pumping triumph that cartwheeled into the opening credits. Then it came back to Alexandria with the simmer that was left from the previous episode only to boil over for the next 45 minutes. People got munched, people got hurt and the band is back together.

Awesome pacing, awesome payoffs and some deaths that were pretty surprising (and much needed). I can sing the praises of this episode looking like a full cinematic experience, but I’ll lay it out like this: No Way Out was a major turning point for the show. All that set up for Morgan (and Carol) is through the net now and fascinating. Traumatic experiences that changes everyone in the group. Growth from those that would not leave their shells. I’m really interested in where Carl goes from this. The introduction and pushback of that Saviors group promises to bring horror that only the living know how to do. A major battle was one surviving the herd, but the spring has been set for the next big thing and we’re going to get it by the end of the season. No one is ever safe on this show, but everyone watching is on pins and needles now. I think this is the most exciting time for The Walking Dead.

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