Daily Archives: February 19, 2016

Broad City is Back!


4 and 3 and 2 and 1, 1! I’ve said it before and I’ll set it again, Broad City is the best comedy show airing right now.

Season 3 starts off with Two Chainz and it had me screaming in delight. The real life friendship of Abbi and Ilana make this show effortlessly funny. They aren’t acting, it’s 100% legit chemistry that lights them up through every hilarious moment.

From the cold open of the split screen bathroom shot montage to the final gag of Abbi helping Ilana out of her chain belt the laughter never let up. The premise of this episode is bizarrely simple but weird, clever and makes for a complex series of events. Abbi and Ilana meet for brunch where Ilana drops her bike lock key into a storm drain. Abbi’s shirt gets ruined when she tries to fish it out (“What was that? A train?!”) and needs to get a new shirt before going to a friends gallery show. That’s the start of both of their problems and it’s all downhill from there.

This episode has it all. The moment to moment side jokes (just about every conversational bit of dialog from Ilana. She’s far and away my favorite comedic character and actor right now). The elaborate set ups and amazing payoffs (the bits with Ilana’s chain belt and pretty much the entire art gallery scene). The banter from bit characters (“Oh, don’t judge me! You’re the one who’s wearing he stolen shirt!” …. “Nice ass!” “I KNOW!”), I think there is a joke at least every 30 seconds.

They’re off to a killer start, I can’t wait for more.