Boo, Haha and Run!

Cooties– I wish this was better. Good idea (zombie virus from a chicken nugget manufacturer turns children) with lackluster execution. A good cast does what they can, but I think the budget held this back the most. For an R-rated black humor/horror movie, there are a lot of cutaway shots to hide gore. You might see a kid change into a rather angry looking kid, jump on someone and get clotheslined, but you rarely see anyone get killed. Cooties often tries to be funny but often misses the mark there too. Not recommended.

Trainwreck– I was hoping for more out of this one. I think there’s 4, maybe 5 really good laugh out loud moments. Amy Schumer put in some of her old stand up premises throughout so that took away some jokes for me. If you don’t know her stuff, that’s actually a bonus. Colin Quinn is the best part of the movie (and John Cena for going all in). Directed by Judd Apatow, so yes, it runs too long. Disappointing for me, but I could see this hitting the mark for a lot of people.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials– I appreciate how different this was from the first movie. Scorch Trials is more or less a road movie for the rag tag team that escaped the maze. The cast remains good and there are some good set pieces throughout, but I can’t think of anything that would bring me back to this for another viewing. It suffers from being the middle “bridge” movie where it’s clear that everything here happens just to set up the last movie. Despite one death and two missing characters, I never felt much concern for the cast despite watching them run away from danger for almost the entire movie (might be because of all the CGI). I liked learning about what the general purpose of the trials is for, but very little information was given outside of that. How did the sickness start? How long ago? Again, it felt like they were holding out for the next movie.  Scorch Trials isn’t bad, but I don’t think it matches up to the first in terms of originality and interest.

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