Justified S6 E4

The Trash and the Snake

This episode turned out to be more set up than any major moves. Raylan has put things together: Avery is buying up land for potential marjiuana farms. He’s betting on the future legalization and wants to have the land to grow huge crops. By out the folks for cheap->profit. He’s going for it at all costs, if an owner says no too many times, they get into a rather horrific accident. So Raylan, being the good guy, isn’t going to stand for this guy stomping on his hometown for profit at any cost. He has a fantastic confrontation with him at Loretta McCready’s house. Huge bonus points for getting Dickie Bennett back, even if it was for only a short scene.

Ava spent the day with Hale, who is basically the combination of a pit viper and a bloodhound. She’s a complete nut with an ax to grind so she’s super dangerous. Hale implied that she knows about Ava’s arrangement with Raylan which Ava (rightfully) freaks out about. She’s managed to keep it together with Boyd, but this new angle of pressure isn’t going to  help any.

Boyd is still on the path to rip off Avery with Hale and Duffy. He knows where and what kind of safe he needs to break into, but he needs a new demolition source since his was shut down last episode. He find one through Duffy and…they gotta find another one. Don’t do drugs folks, it can make you absent minded when you really need to be paying attention.

That leaves us with the heist still being in the early planning stages and Raylan making it clear to Avery that he’s not going to get what he wants (for the first time in his life?). Hale might be swooping around Ava, but I think Raylan has the biggest target on him right now.

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