Daily Archives: February 5, 2015

Justified S6 E3

Noblesse Oblige

This week we find Raylan sniffing around leads to prove that Boyd is responsible for the bank heist. Explosives were used and Raylan has an old friend that may be able to point him in the right direction.

While Raylan is in full detective mode, Boyd and Ava are given the spotlight for this episode. I absolutely love when these two are given screen time together by themselves. In the past they were Bonnie and Clyde, but their relationship now is (to put it mildly) on the rocks. It’s upsetting to see these two not on the same side. They are both pretending to each other and it’s really sad. The scene where they are drinking all night at the bar is one of my favorites, seeing them genuinely enjoy each others company.

Ava gets squeezed by the marshals near the beginning and she’s honestly giving it her all to get some info out of Boyd for them. They say she’s too slow but give her some space! Boyd can smell rats from a mile away (and he’s suspicious). I was happy to see Raylan speak up for her, it’s reassuring to know that even when he’s still connecting dots, he’s not stupid about pushing things that shouldn’t be.

Things got really ugly for Boyd and Ava near the end and for some reason it made me think Boyd was going to pack up and take off. I guess it’s a testament to how fantastic of an actor Walton Goggins is as seeing him being kidnapped and threatened, really put on his ass, freaked him out. Plus, he finds out he was being used by Hale and Duffy (more Hale maybe?) when the offered the heist to him. Avery isn’t the kind of guy you want someone to shove you in front of. Boyd didn’t have all the info to properly prepare. That really makes him mad which brings out old Boyd in full force (Duffy telling his muscle to make sure he takes Boyd’s cigarettes when he shows up was perfect). Walton brings out the fire in Boyd in that last scene, telling Hale and Duffy that he’s going to go for Avery full tilt. Great ending to another quality episode.