Daily Archives: May 1, 2012

Rise From Your Grave

I was sick for most of April. Started as a stomach virus early on that I thought I made through in about 24 hours. That thing hung on to me and tried to rearrange my DNA. A vice like grip on my stomach which spawned into acid reflux (horrible and bewildering if you’ve never had it) made me afraid to eat. Which is a also a horrible feeling to have. You eat every day and it’s generally really enjoyable, but when you are convinced it’s going to make you feel like hell, not so much. That gave me anxiety along with some other real world stress. I’d be sick and then feel fine for about a week and then it came back again with a vengeance. The passed 2 weeks I was sick pretty much every day with some relief here and there. I went to the doctor on my birthday, then 4 days later. Just getting medicine to get a handle on this was stupid (wrong dosage from a stupefying lack of communication between Dr. and pharmacist).

I think I have it behind me now. Of course I pulled a groin muscle on Friday night, but that wasn’t too bad. 3-4 days for that to heal, nothing like my January blitzkrieg. It’s been a dumb 2012 so far, but I’m starting to feel like I’m getting myself back now. That feels good. You don’t realize how important something is until it stops working.