UPENN Stupidity

This story has absolutely blown up this week and is just hard to believe grown men in a position of power and leadership could be so fucking stupid.

Now all the facts aren’t out, the path of what happened in the passed 15 years (!) on this alleged creep, Jerry Sandusky, aren’t entirely known. It’s safe to say that the complete story is going to come out in the next few months and is going to be much worse and even more mindboggling.

This has nothing to do with football.

Without rambling on too much (there is a ton to this) and to get to my real point, how did this not stop at Mike Mcqueary’s shower sodomy discovery? There’s a hierarchy at that school and mental path that I can’t wrap my head around. From what I’ve read, Sandusky had the heat turned on him for some similar shady allegations in the late 90’s that ended up fizzling out with the authorities. It was about a year later that he retired. 3 years later is when Mcqueary caught him violating the boy. Mcqueary then calls his dad and LEAVES? He does nothing to help the kid? The next day he tells head coach JoePa (and I’m not sure what kind of detail he went into with Joe). Joe goes up a level in the school administration, which ends up going to the president of UPenn. At no time were the cops called. The “punishment” for Sandusky was that he could not bring kids on campus anymore. What? This monster was skipping around campus as of last week! Somewhere in that chain of events and executive decision some things really went wrong.

I absolutely agree that the men who did nothing to stomp this monster out of the public and into a jail cell should be shown the door. For some reason it looks like the media is focusing mostly on JoePa, which I don’t agree with. Let’s point the brunt of the burners on Sandusky (how the hell did this guy get BAIL? He’s not a risk to the public?!) Mcqueary is a dumb son of a bitch as far as I can tell. UPenn is suppossed to have the utmost pride and ethic code around, it’s insane this happened.

Why did Mcqueary think that his bosses were the authority on a heinous crime? Was he afraid of losing his job for outing a pedophile? At the very least couldn’t he have made an annomous 911 (or campus security) call to get the cops to come and investigate? How did he do NOTHING to help the boy? This just just makes him an accomplice along with the rest of the administration that was told and did nothing.

I don’t understand what the end game of their thinking was. How could not going to the cops and getting Sandusky locked up be bad? They thought this would never come out and be a million times worse? This is Freddy Krueger territory! There are 8 known victims as of now, possibly reaching into other states! They could easily have just oust Sandusky and say they had no clue what he was hiding for all these years. THAT is how you protect your industry, school, reputation, faculty, staff and students. We found out and acted immediately to one of the biggest crimes in society. He doesn’t represent the school, we cooperate with the cops to get all this under control etc. It becomes a story of one heinous individual who got caught and stopped by sane human beings and not a napalm bomb years later. Each on of the men with their heads on the chopping block would a)not be arrested and/or b) fired! JoePa could coach for as long as his heart desired and not have his legacy ruined in a trainwreck of national and world news coverage. Sandusky went on to hurt more kids!

What happened?

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