It’s been a week since I had the PTK procedure (surgery?) done on my left I. It was unpleasant. It’s kinda like going to the dentist. You can think of a million things you’d rather be doing, but it’s not that bad. It only takes 5 minutes to remove the scar and a laser was used in the last bit, for what I have no idea. It was literally a few seconds and then it was clean up, put a contact lens in to protect the open area and then it’s eyedrop mania. Had the contact lens off yesterday and now I have a different eye medication for the next 2 weeks, So the haze is gone but I have a some blurriness. It’s not that bad and it seems to be getting a little better everyday. The healing process is still in full effect so it’s going to be some time for my vision to stabilize. Hopefully this stupid thing works unlike last year, so the end game is out on that one right now. It should cost me a whole lot less even though the medication has cost $200 (which would have been almost 600 without insurance, which is insane). Should get a statement from the insurance company to see if they’re going to be useless or a real benefit.

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