Iron Man 2 the Review

I saw Iron Man 2 more than a week ago and I just realized I didn’t write about it.

A well made, average movie. I’m pretty apathetic about it. I’ve never been a fan of the IM character so I really have no expectations for it. Maybe just wanting to see a guy in a robot suit lay down the law in a blaze of glory, of which there is very little of in this movie.

After the 2 hour movie was over, it was left feeling that there wasn’t enough fun stuff between all the talking and Robert Downey Jr. making faces at the camera. There were a lot of cop-outs. I dig Mickey Rourke, but he was barely in it. His whips were really cool, but again, he barely uses them. I have no idea how he survived getting his torse crushed by a 2 ton car either. Tony Stark is a drunk but they pass it off here as his reaction to being unable to find a cure for his power core induced illness. But the worst is the way they cured him, I can’t remember seeing anything that dumb and ludicrus in ages. People ridiculed Avatar for it’s silly use of “Unobtanium” but the magical model/over night Hadon Supercollider/laser beam triangle element-ium is just insulting.

The cast is fine, the effects match and what action there was, was fun to watch. In the end I just feel like it’s nothing special, a good rental. Batman for life.

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