Daily Archives: November 12, 2005

Still not a millionaire

Damn the lottery for me not winning it. The Mega Millions in NJ was up to 260 million and I didn’t win. No one did and it’s now at a mind boggling 310 million dollars. Better believe I’m going to play again.

I’m still fighting off that bug I got last week. I think it’s allergies more than a bug. I don’t feel shitty, but I got some weird ass cough thing going. I sleep fine so that’s a plus.

Let’s see, what else? Potter 4 hits theatres on Friday and I can’t wait. I haven’t looked foward to a movie like this in awhile. All the buzz say it’s amazing and I got my IMAX tickets waiting for me. Expect a review after I see it. Last movie I went to was Saw II with John and I thought it was a worthy sequel. Aside from one character going bat shit insane for no reason, it was good.

In an effort to make some money, I’ve bought some shares in Sirius Satallite Radio. For me that’s like sleeping with the enemy, but this could turn in to some money. I already have XM stock as my investment but I’m getting in on SIRI on the cheap end and if things go the way I think they will, I’ll be able to sell it early next year and make some money. If it takes off that would be completely bad ass. In some what related news, I still think Howard Stern sucks and Opie and Anthony kick his ass every single day of the week.

Oh, I have 3 Gamecube games up on ebay for mad cheap so look up scudnick and buy em. They’re up till Wednesday night.

Lastly, my sister and nephew are in town for the week. Danny continues to grow into the complete pimp that is just waiting to get out. He charms everyone, he’s really smart (kinda scary actually) and he’s funny. If you’re unsure of where you belly button is, he can let you know. I’ll put up some pictures sometime this week.

QUOTE OF THE DAY (oh man, I found my Ramapo quote file. Be prepared for a lot of these.)

“Hey Bagels…how do you like your meat? In your fist?”
-Mr. Moe (week of November, 2001)