Top Gear

Top Gear is a British made automotive show that has been picked up by the Discovery Channel. It’s an awesome show that I think more people need to know about. They drive/show off cars from all over the place like Astin Martins, Voxels, BMW, Porche, Bentley, Jags…just to name a few. A lot of cars we only get to see a picture and a paragraph about in car magazines. Excellent hosts, commentary and direction, they go all over the world, they talk in depth about the cars, just an awesome show. Anyone who likes cars should check it out.

New episodes or on Wednesdays at 10pm. On tonights episode they were talking about how this car (don’t remember the name, never seen it before either) had been engineered with some crazy new safety designs. To test it out, they had a guy drive it into another car at 30mph! So he T bones another car and he walks out of it. The sides of the car were fine, they just opened the door to let the guy out and he was ok, it was pretty amazing. The funny thing is, they never told the car company that they were going to crash their car. Their insurance must be insane.

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