Daily Archives: January 1, 2021

It’s that 2021 feeling

We can pretty much call 2020 the year of death. It started with Austalia on fire and then the Kobe Bryant helicopter accident sent people reeling. That was before COVID-19 made it’s presence fully known.

Yes, 2020 wasn’t all bad. But for most people it was. And it’s not over. A new calendar doesn’t magically reset everything but the feeling of hope is in the air.

That hope, I think, is everyone looking towards the future. We’ve never had a more important time to work together to move forward. I hope enough people feel and act the same way for us to keep moving forward. It won’t be easy but it can be done. I’d like functioning adults to take the wheel and pilot us out of this.

I think this picture from Times Square last night says it all. We can’t have another 2020, it’s not right.