Mr. Robot S4E07

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In this daring episode, Vera digs into Elliot with the help of Krista. Layed out like a 5 act play, this entire episode takes place in Krista’s apartment with no movement on any other plot of the show. Once again, Sam Esmail pumps the breaks to focus on one single piece of the puzzle.

It’s safe to say that Vera is obsessed with Elliot, convinced that they can be and should be partners in taking over Manhatten. Vera has grand plans and he needs Elliot to do it. Now that he knows about Mr. Robot, he pivots that thought to Mr. Robot instead. By threatening Krista, he’s able to talk to Mr. Robot.

And Mr. Robot isn’t impressed. Vera, high on meth, doesn’t really have a plan. It’s very basic, just wanting to take things over and have everyone come to him for…drugs? He doesn’t offer up any scheme to do this, seemingly under the impression that Elliot can come up with the how to get what he wants. Mr. Robot scoffs at him for many good reasons (shades of Breaking Bad’s Walter White as Heisenberg) and pivots to the plan that’s already in motion–the one with the death clock ticking down. Help with Deus Group hack and I’ll hook you up with all the money you want to get your enterprise going.

While the hook does sink in (“Look at all those zeros!”) Elliot tries to get out of this with force only discover that Vera isn’t that stupid. He had his guys remove the bullets from his gun before they got to the apartment. So Vera goes back to his original plan and uses Krista to crack Elliot. What’s he hiding in there? Why does Mr. Robot exist?

And through deconstruction, we finally find out why Mr. Robot came into existence. Elliot and Darlene’s dad was not a “friend” as Elliot has always referred to him. Mr. Robot is Elliot’s protector from childhood sexual abuse. It’s a devastating realization for Elliot and it’s one that Vera can relate to. Vera sees his opening and begins to start his friendship with Elliot. He did say he’d never be able to work with Elliot with threats or fear, he’d rebel against that. They had do be on the same level for it to work. So as Elliot listens, Krista jumps at the opening and stabs Vera in the back.

A visual and acting tour de force, this was another riveting episode. Totally unexpected, I didn’t know where it was going and while a major plot for the show has been answered, there are still a ton of questions.

Elliot now has another dead body to deal with and he has to figure out what to do about it, and the 2 thugs Vera has with him wandering around somewhere outside. So the two of them have physical threats to deal with.

Next, Mr. Robot has seemingly left. He pleaded with Krista not to lead Elliot to the truth and his last words are “I can’t protect you anymore” and walks off the screen. Is Mr. Robot really gone? Will Elliot be forced to tap into that part of himself again to take out Whiterose’s empire? And how is Elliot going to even function after this?

A few hours have passed in the apartment. It’s night time at the end of the episode and since it’s the end of the year it’s somewhere around 4-5 pm. There is very little time left before the Desu Group meeting that Price forced to happen. Plus we have no idea what’s happened to Dom and Darlene with Janice and the Dark Army. That must be what we’re going to see next week.

And there wasn’t a single word about Elliot having another personality. I thought for sure we’d see that, and nothing. There’s no way Mr. Robot could have know what Vera wanted, that he’d find Krista and use her. So why would he lie about not being the one that talked to Darlene about Vera sniffing around two months ago? I’m completely lost on this thread.

This episode, for as good as it was, kept me feeling like we’re in limbo. There have been a lot of diversions with a few moments of world plot progress. While Elliot is on a severe time limit, and the show is too with only 6 episodes left, it’s like the show doesn’t know it’s on a time limit. I think this is the 3rd episode on Christmas Day, we’re hours away from ‘make it or break’ it time and it always feels like Esmail doesn’t think that’s important. Is he trying to cram too much into the final season?

Still, it feels like Esmail has a very clear vision of what he wants to accomplish this season. He puts incredible planning into this, I just can’t figure out what road he has us on. The reveal of Elliot’s father is huge. It also means we’re going to get an intense scene with Darlene about it. Was she abused too? I have so many questions, I hope most of them get answered.

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