Black Sails S4E05


Looking back to episode 4, it was pretty stupid to think that Eleanore’s plan would work. The whole thing hinged on Rogers doing what she wanted, based on love and we knew from last year that he questioned her loyalty since she had been on Nassau for so long. Maybe if she told him that she was pregnant with his child it might have given his decision more consideration (maybe, he’s pretty cold blooded).

So the plan. Fork over the Urca gold (the central McGuffin for the first half of the series) to get control of Nassau and avoid a nasty battle that could very well be a loss in the end. Eleanore and Flint are all in. Silver is shocked and Madi sides with going for it because Bone’s earlier betrayal threw the slave allegiance into chaos. With her people getting brutalized so much already, she doesn’t think they have enough support to even try to fight. Bones is absolutely against it for a list of very good reasons. That leaves Silver stuck in the middle.

While pondering being trapped in giving his word to so many people, Silver doesn’t know what to do. Hands, his right-hand man and killer extraordinaire wants to hear exactly no belly aching. The only leader he will follow is one who will make a decision and stick with it.

Rogers had every intent of rolling up onto that beach and killing some pirates. Getting the message from Eleanore about her plan makes him change course but in a direction that Eleanore and Flint never thought of.

So Flint wants to pay him off with the Urca treasure? For him to take a hike with Eleanore and float off to wherever. The treasure that they stole from the Spanish. In a rather brilliant move, Rogers leaves Nassau but doesn’t go to the port that Eleanore asked (told, in his interpretation) him to go to. He goes to Cuba and tries to get Spain to help. At first, he’s basically laughed off but when he mentions the Urca gold to the Governor, that gets his attention. Rogers is smart. He knew asking for help wasn’t going to work. So he made it personal for them.

The Urca gold is being brought out of hiding to Nassau per the plan. And it turns out that Silver makes the decision to side with Eleanore and Flint. He throws Bones under the bus in doing so but makes Hands spare his life at the last moment. Bones has been through some brutal stuff in the series and this might be the worst of it. I didn’t like seeing Bones get betrayed (especially when he’s been right more than wrong).

Jack makes it back to Nassau (zero word on Anne) and runs into Flint waiting for the Urca treasure on an isolated beach away from the fort. When Flint fills him in on the plan, Jack fills him in on reality. He has no idea who Rogers is and neither does Eleanore. They’ve completely underestimated him and from what he’s seen Rogers due (RIP Teach) he’s certain that Rogers didn’t go tuck his tail when he left. He’s coming back.

So, stupid Eleanore and Rogers, the two biggest instigators and backstabbers on the show, have probably screwed every single person on Nassau. They have a way bigger problem than Rogers sitting off shore now. He’s got Spain rolling in with him and they are rolling deep. Max is the first to see it with a spyglass in the fort. I hope she drop kicks Eleanore over a barrel.

Action wise this episode was quiet but the set up for the last half of the season has escalated things to unseen levels on Black Flag.

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