Prisoners and Clones

Orange Is The New Black- Season 3 had a much stronger ending than I thought was going to. I thought Piper was getting really soft and worn out, but they turned her something wicked for the end. She’s really becoming institutionalized which is surprisingly fun to see.

Pushing the backgrounds of the other inmates continued in this season which was great to see. Really creative and unique stories for each women, adds some much needed variety and depth to the show. They always manage to show off just enough in a good amount of time and insert the story where it fits into the overall narrative which is a real achievement. I like how self-contained they keep the stories, it’s never someone pouring their hearts out to a friend, but an internal remembrance of their past.  The people in their crew may know each other well, but they all have their secrets still.

This season ended a few story lines from season 2 while introducing a whole lot for season 4, so there is a lot to look forward to. So far Jenji Kohan has managed to keep the show on the rails better than Weeds.

Orphan Black- A good season, but not a great one, I think. Kept me engaged for all of its 10 episodes but something felt a bit off to me. Maybe because Sara gets out of every situation no matter what? I guess I felt like the stakes never felt that high, like they missed out on producing enough tension and suspense. Still a lot of great characters and moments so I’ll keep watching. They ended it by peeling back another layer to the onion, revealing a player who’s been pulling the strings from the shadows that no one knew about (how many times can you do that?). Here’s to hoping for more greatness with Season 4.

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