Justified S6E10


A great game of cat and mouse this week, Raylan just waiting to spring his trap on Boyd. Ever the clever rat, Boyd can smell a trap set that specific cat.

Boyd made his decisions on who to trust. He shakes off the betrayal of Zachariah (I’m still waiting for him to show up, Ava thinks he’s still alive too) and makes his final moves to get the $10 million. All in with Ava! He pays off Limehouse for the necessary getaway materials and goes on the offensive. He sends his only two soldiers to go after the bank truck knowing it’s a decoy. By completely screwing them, he gets the distraction he wanted to go pick up Hale by gunpoint so he can ransom her to Avery. A plan that finally worked! He buzzes down the dirt road in a crappy pick up truck to meet up with Ava who is waiting with the getaway car and fake ID’s. He drops a dime on Hale hiring him for the heist too. His cackle was the greatest as he got into the truck. I thought Avery was pissed when Loretta dumped on him at his party, but this is some next level stuff. He can’t trust anyone now as Raylan tipped him off to her betrayal earlier too.

ADA David Vasquez has decided to make things difficult for Ava though. He’s adamant that she’s contributed nothing as a CI, so her deal is null and void. When they snag Boyd, she’s going back to jail. This really bothers Raylan (and me) and tells her what’s going down. She’s given the latest details on Boyd so the feds can get him with the money too! Annoyed beyond any measure of human cognizance, she then tries to think of other ways to save herself. What if she gets Boyd to confess to killing Dewey? That’s something.

Hold on to your hats folks, because Ava says forget all this nonsense and pops Boyd at the meeting place! The sound Boyd made when he got shot was just classic. I’m not sure if it was more shock than pain. She waves Raylan goodbye knowing that the chase is on. Ava has to get to Canada or Mexico as fast as humanly possible. I must say I didn’t see this happening. Getting her deal pulled out from under her feet was the dumbest thing the ADA could have done. Total game changer for Ava, someone who’s had a boot to their head for that long is bound to snap back in a bad way.

The side notes this week were Duffy and Boon. Mike puts things together about Duffy being the snitch and made a move to give him up to Hale. His timing was a bit off though as she was in Boyd’s custody at the time he called her. This should pan out in a big way next week. Hale’s got to tread carefully on this one, since she’s in deep water with Avery already. She can’t let Duffy talk to Avery, that whole “she’s all about killing you too” thing would not fly well.

Boon is a model employee. Does what you tell him to. Fantastic dialog with Raylan in the diner and he really got to show off his Professional Creep abilities in his final scene. All for a hat too…a man obsessed with Raylan just completed his look. Only question now is, how long until their final confrontation?

The show has jumped off into a new tragectory and I love it. Anything could happen now, really exciting stuff.


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