Shameless S5E9

Carl’s First Sentencing

This week Ian’s story took a bit of a break. He wakes up in a rather alarming way and agrees to go back on meds. Mickey watches him (as does everyone else).

Kevin got an unusual temp job on campus! Didn’t see that bringing him back to V in the end like that (“Good talk man.”). He better not tell her what he was doing over the weekend.

Lip gets a bit of a break and he doesn’t see “the angle” on why he’s been helped out with tuition. Not surprising as he’s never really met a truly charitible person in his life before. In typical Lip fashion, he’s clear of one problem and right in the middle of another head scratcher. I don’t know how he does it, but it seems like every woman he gets close to is a landmine. The revelation that she’s married was certainly a surprise, but when the husband is okay with it, this is a whole new road to travel. College is certainly a learning experience. Now are they going to bring the hacker kid back into it, or will this triangle be his undoing? Or both?

I really didn’t think Carl was going to go full gangster. Shows what I know as it’s probably the right choice. If he ratted on his boss, there’s a good chance he wouldn’t make it through this season. As Lip said, “It was bound to happen sooner or later.” As terrible of a road he’s on, let’s face it, he’s been on it for awhile now. Carl was never going to be an outstanding citizen, he’s probably the most like Frank out of all of the kids. He would never get to 9th grade let alone graduate high school. He’s genuinly excited to go away! There’s no telling what he’s going to learn in juvie. Interest in seeing how they handle showing it.  A year is a long time, can’t really skip what he’s up to. Poor Chuckie! That bag of rocks barely knows what’s in front of his face if it isn’t a pancake. Sammi stole every scene she was in, it was pretty wild the lengths she went through. As messed up as it is, she’s probably the best parent on the show.

Fiona is stretched all over this episode. She halts her self interests in favor of her brothers which I liked to see. When Sean hits the dirt (due to things out of his control) she’s the only one there for him. Would she let go of Gus and be with Sean? She has a lot more in common with him.

Really liked Frank’s story this week. We’ve seen him do benders before and I thought this one would be just like his others. Frank is a hell of charmer when he really turns it on and Bianca was an easy mark for him. He got a lot out of those two days with her and so did she. I was pretty shocked to see him not take the money and run. Did he actually make a friend? They had a lot of great moments, it was fun to see Frank guide her into somewhat safe debauchery. I hope he sees her to the end, I think that’d be incredible to watch.

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