Justified S6E8

This episode was packed with amazing lines. Almost every conversation had at least one killer line. There’s so much great stuff I’m just going to do a list.

Art and Hale poking at each other about who the rat and killer was 14 years ago.

The Raylan and Zachariah fight.

  • Tim’s great line just before that, ” Is no one named Justin around here…” (paraphrased this one a lot)

Every single line of Raylan and Boyd conversation on Boyd’s front lawn with Ty hiding there. Just brilliant stuff. So funny, so fast and smart with perfect delivery. Just the best watching these two trade, the history between them and the end so close.  The final cat and mouse chase, Raylan wants to catch him so bad.

  • Raylan smiles from Boyd’s continuous, shut down, smart ass responses and says, “I’m going to miss this when it’s over.”

The fantastic talk between Raylan and Avery to weed out Ty.

  • Avery: “Read the sign.” Raylan looks over and sees ‘We reserve the right to deny anyone service at any time’. Raylan holds up his badge to Avery, “And this means kiss my ass.” Raylan pours himself a drink and sits down in front of Avery.

Ty’s plan to try and get something out of his time in Harlan County. Good try, never could have seen a bounty going out on his head. Boyd giving him up was great.

Ava trying to talk Boyd down from going for the millions.

Raylan was simply on point. He’s tired of the run around and really just kicked things into gear. Bringing Ty down so he can just focus on Boyd and getting Avery to help which sets a rat trap for Boyd at the same time. The look they have when they see what’s in the vault was perfect. Then, Raylan looking at Boyd, getting the confirmation that he’s totally baited the hook. Brilliant move. Plus he figured out Ava is burned despite her best efforts to hide it (I thought she was convincing).

Seeing Arlo Givens felt a bit out of place for the series, but that was still a really good scene so I can’t really complain about it. The motivation and desire for Raylan to move on has never been stronger and that really solidified it. Burning Arlo’s stuff at the start then the decisions with the graves made for great bookends.

  • “I wasn’t there, but I’m sure he put her in the cheapest one he could.” “And your father?” “I put him in the cheapest one I could.”

Phenomenal episode. Everything I love about Justified.

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