Three comedies, Three quick hits

Neighbors– Fun movie! Seth Rogan plays…Seth Rogan married to Rose Byrne. They have an adorable little girl and recently moved into their first home. Then a fraternity moves in next door. The couple plays it cool at first, making friends with the frat and even goes to a party and end up having a great time. But when the all night parties keep happening, they call the cops with a noise complaint. That starts the ever escalating war between the neighbors. Really funny movie, I liked it a lot. Zac Efron and Dave Franco often steal the show. The cast is really good, full of cursing and all the drug and sex jokes one could ask for.

A Million Ways to Die in the West– Like most thing Seth MacFarlane does, this is a hot and cold movie. Seth plays Albert, a cowardly farmer. His girl leaves him for being a punk and then a mysterious woman (Charlize Theron!) comes to town and he falls in love with her. Unfortunately she is the wife of a notorious gunslinger. Albert has a problem on his hands. The cast is really great, the cameos are perfect and there is some really funny stuff in here. The other stuff hits the dirt like a big mouth bass. For every joke that made me laugh, there’s four that are so bad it’s hard to even consider them jokes. They tread on racial jokes that don’t work at all, the “gross out” material is totally unnecessary (I’m looking at you sheep urine)  and the tripping scene (how much did that cost?) is weird just to be weird. Couldn’t think of anything better than that tired nonsense? It’s a really bi-polar movie. Good times at one moment and then get me out of here bombs the next.

22 Jump Street– I had a good time with 21 Jump Street and they really stepped it up for 22. They knew hot ridiculous doing a sequel is and they acknowledge that and work with it. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are a great comedy team as Schmidt and Jenko. The obvious step of going from undercover cops in high school to undercover cops in college is put through the ringer here. The make fun of themselves, send up the genre, but make it their own as well. They did everything they needed to in this movie, I hope they stick to their guns and leave the franchise as it is. Go out on top, no need to come back to this world.

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