Daily Archives: July 27, 2014

My Review: The Raid 2

raid2 2011 saw the release of The Raid: Redemption and it made action film fans stand up and take notice. Writer/Director/Editor Gareth Evans quickly became the man to watch. This year, he’s back with The Raid 2, what I would call a very successful sequel.

The original took place in a apartment building run by a powerful drug lord. Rama is in the SWAT team that goes in and is the only one who manages to fight his way out. The sequel stars Rama again, picking up right after the first movie ends. Gareth Evans expands the story, scope and thus the movies run time by having Rama go undercover to infiltrate a powerful mob ring to shake out widespread corruption.

There’s a lot of great characters through out, I think Iko Uwais as Rama is a phenomenal action star. I hope his career blows up world wide. He’s really likeable and just a complete bad ass. The Raid has some of the most intense and visually striking action put on film and The Raid 2 runs with that torch.

There are a ton of action scenes spread through out. The movie is about 2 hours and 20 minutes and I think close to half of that is action scenes. I won’t be able to justice in explaining the insanity and brilliance that is on display, so I’m just going to say you have to see it to believe it. It’s some of the most epic, no holds barred, choreographed and shot violence. Hammer Girl, Bat Guy and Sickle Man, all awesome, all amazing in their scenes. The car chase scene is stunning, it’s one of the best ever filmed. Gareth Evans keeps raising the bar so high it’s ridiculous.

I’ve rambled enough. Just like the first movie, action fans have to see this. That’s the easiest way of putting it. It’s not for the squeamish though, as it’s very violent and gory.