Television Watch

Some of my favorite TV shows are back on the air and they’ve managed to keep up the quality. First is Justified, with one of my favorite characters making a return. Dewey Crowe was off doing time, but he’s back and trying to keep his head above water as best as he can. Of course he can’t because the guy is a mark for trouble. He’s not the smartest guy on the block so he starts off being scammed for a good hunk of change by Boyd, but he did get control of the brothel so Dewey was about as happy as he could be. But then Rayland kicks up a hornets nest down in Florida which makes Dewey’s cousin, Daryl move to Kentucky to put down some new “roots”. He’s played by the awesome Michael Rapaport who is just eating up every scenes he’s been in so far. Ava Crowder is stewing in jail with Boyd trying to get her our with very little success. The end of last season looks like it’s going to come and bite Rayland as his boss is investigating what really happened. Really like what’s going on, should be another stellar season.

Face Off is back too, my favorite reality show. It’s the only reality show I watch so that says a lot. No big changes in format which I like, a good crop of talent in this crew. There seems to be more front runners 3 shows in at this point too.

Also on Syfy is the new show Helix which is about a secret research base in the Antarctic. Some kind of bio outbreak gets out in the facility and some members of the CDC go to figure things out. Of course there are a lot of shady things going on so there is a lot of mystery, intrigue and murder!

Archer is back and the ISIS team is now on the other side of the law. A big shake up for the show. Cool idea and I think they are pulling it off well. Same great characters, but they are playing on the other side of the playground now.

Community is back up and running with the original creator and it’s very funny again. So much so that I’ve just started watching the show from the start. It reminds me My Name is Earl, some incredibly witty and fast jokes.

The Following is back and I am watching it. I have a weird love/hate relationship with this one because it’s so obscured, but cults are so hard for me to wrap my head around that what happens on the show work. I like Kevin Bacon, so he certainly helps. I find it dumb cult man made it out of the season finale not only alive but unscathed, but hey, I’m still watching.

Black Sails is a new pirate show on Starz, I caught the pilot and I like what I see. No other pirate shows are out there so I think this one could be refreshing and fun for me. It could scratch that Spartacus like itch.

Shameless is back and completely awesome. Easily my favorite show on TV right now. Big changes for the family, everyone has something interesting and life changing going on. Fiona’s major drama just started (and of course it’s relationship related), Frank is hanging on somehow at his absolutely lowest, Lip is going through a reality check of epic proportions that I really like, Debbie needs to be REALLY careful about what she’s doing, Carl is helping Frank as best he can….hopefully it won’t screw him up any more. Ian is m.i.a. since popping off to boot camp, it’s hard to tell if they’re going to bring him into this season in any major capacity. The other 2 Showtime companion shows (as I like to call them), House of Lies and Episodes are going strong too (HoL especially).

Coming up soon is The Americans which I cannot wait for and Legit. Hopefully FX moving Legit to FXX won’t screw the ratings and make them do something dumb….

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