Dexter ~Fin~

The best times of Dexter was many seasons ago. After the Trinity Killer, it was an uneven, poorly written show that managed to hang on to a series finale. While there has been some moments that proved Dexter’s entertaining value, it too often did a header into a pile of freshly shoveled dirt (the end of season 6 in particular).

The series finale is just a disappointment for me. They knew it was the end, they had plenty of time to come up with a satisfying and cohesive narrative for Dexter. The finale really felt rushed. I find it hard to believe that Showtime would be forcing them to get that last episode wrapped in 55 minutes. Dexter is basically the flagship show for the network. It was a defeatist ending too, which made it feel worse to me. There was nothing satisfying about seeing Dexter, who is a very strong character, basically give up. Plus, there are so many loose ends that force you to fill in the blanks. Stuff that is just convenient writing that ignores real world observation and common sense to get to their desired end (which has been a big problem for the show). Needless, poorly handled death and bizarre, kneejerk abandonment don’t go over well with me.

It’s a bummer to see a once great show roll over and die with very little intact of what made it so great in the beginning.

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