Cloud Atlas the Review

Cloud Atlas is a tough movie to sell in a trailer. Marketing struggled to explain it as this movie kinda floundered in theatres.

Essentially, it’s the story of the human spirit spread across multiple life times. Reincarnation is in full effect here as we see people meet up life time after lifetime. They don’t necessarily remember each other and they aren’t the exact same people. Our energy never completely leaves Earth, it comes back and is often tied to the same energy that it traveled with a lifetime before (for better or worse).

It’s tough to really explain Cloud Atlas fully as it is complicated. The timelines jump back in forth between many people that live through 7 lives so it can be a challenge to keep track of everything and everyone. Each time and place is labeled at the start of the journey, but it’s never displayed again. The times are very different so it’s easy to visually keep everything separate, but there is a lot to take in. They stories are carefully thought out and cut, it’s up to you to keep up which I think could lose a lot of people. It is a long movie.

I found it to be an uplifting journey though. There’s a lot of human struggle, love, life, death, fear, injustice and evil. You see people do terrible things for various reasons (through various rationalization to he time) but one big focal point is the eternal struggle of good versus evil. Slavery, social strife, the powerful and greedy dominating the landscape. But it can be changed, it can take just one person to decide enough is enough and stand up to turn the ship the other way.

It’s a visually striking movie, as the Wachowski’s are known for. The future New Seoul in 2144 (I think that’s when it was, I may be wrong) especially stands out. It’s a heady movie that’s not for everyone, but I think it’s worth checking out. It probably works better at home where you can feel most comfortable and digest it in chunks if need be. It’s a movie you can watch multiple times and get more out of it every time, picking up all the threads and tying them together easier and faster as it goes along.

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