Daily Archives: June 19, 2013

Xbox One does a snap kick

I was right, the only thing that MS could do about its DRM plans for the One, that raised absolute hell, would be to reverse their stance. They did it today. It’s going to work just like the 360 does now. Internet connection needed at set up and that’s it. No 24 hour check in. It now sounds like the Family Share plan is out the window which is a real shame as that’s a real game changer for the industry, a real progressive step (which is what I thought the 24 hour check in was mostly for). Now it sounds like Valve is working on just such a program for Steam, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m hoping they end up putting that feature on the back burner and introduce it sometime later in the consoles life. Maybe wait and see how it works and is received on Steam? Could be good to have in the back pocket to bust out to add another bullet point feature to the box. I think it should be there at the start, but I can at least hope it comes to fruition in the future.
