The Bourne Legacy the Review

The Bourne Legacy is the fourth movie in the Jason Bourne espionage franchise. Big changes were made as Matt Damon bowed out of the series with director Paul Greengrass. It’s been 10 years since the first movie and 5 since the last. With the big cast change, Jeremy Renner plays Aaron Cross, another participant in the deep dark recesses of the Tredstone operation. “Jason wasn’t the only one” is the push here.

There was a lot of trepidation of how this movie would be, but I gotta say it fits and works really well. That is all thanks to writer Tony Gilroy who has been a part of every movie. He knows the characters and world better than anyone and he continues the action and intrigue without missing a beat. He also directs and does a good job of it.

I really like Jeremy Renner and he did well in this role. With Jason blowing cover for his bosses (the beginning of Legacy takes place when Ultimatum is happening), a slash and burn protocol is put into action to scrub all traces of the spy program. Investigations are inevitable and those in charge scramble to protect their asses. Aaron is a bit more special than Jason. While the previous movies were about a super spy remembering who he is, why and for who, Aaron knows he’s in the program. He takes medication that’s given to him, but he’s not entirely in the loop. Following the tag team nature of the previous movies, Rachel Weisz plays Dr. Marta Shearing who also works for the program and is also thrown out with the government bathwater. She knows all about the drugs Aaron was taking and helps him fight back.

Legacy in not only a solid action film, it’s a solid entry to the series. It looks and sounds like a Bourne movie, the action sections are really cool, the suspense and sneakiness is there and at the end of the two hours, I wanted more. That’s always a good sign for me.

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