Daily Archives: October 20, 2012

Our Idiot Brother the Review

I wasn’t expecting much from this one so it was a great surpise when I watched it. Paul Rudd has seen a career resurgence lately and Our Idiot Brother is far and away the best I’ve seen him.

Paul plays Ned Rochlin, who is the title idiot brother. He was so good as this lovable idiot. Ned always means well, he just has the terrible habit of jamming his foot into his mouth. He’s got three sisters who are very busy and important people in their own worlds and it’s always Ned who screws them up.

This was really well written, they carefuly avoided making Ned a terrible person which would have killed the movie. I always felt sympothy for him and saw him as a guy who wears his heart on a his sleeve. Couple the writing with Rudd’s acting and you have a great, three diminsional character. There’s a stacked cast here too (Elizabeth Banks, Adam Scott, Rashida Jones, Zooey Deschanel, Steve Coogan, TJ Miller and an awesome godlen retriever) that was great to watch work together.

Our Idiot Brother is movie with a lot of heart that is damn funny at times. I recommend it.

Cornea Transplant: Month 3

It’s been three months since the surgery! In the passed, week or week and a half I’ve noticed the biggest improvement in my vision. It hasn’t been sudden, very gradual, but the double vision effect really seems to be coming together. It’s still there, but it is definitely better. That feels great, very reassuring that it’s going to keep getting better. Despite the left eye still being very blurry, this is the second biggest improvement since the surgery. The impairment of the scar left right away, but the blurry and double vision replaced that impairment. Now that it’s really getting better this feels more like a success.

All TV All The Time

I’m up to my eyeballs in TV, which means I’ve had to push movies more to the side just to keep up. That’s pretty much cut off any series viewing on Netflix Instant.

Grimm- I’ve been watching this on Hulu as it collides with Fringe in the same time slot. I like it, concept, stories, actors. It’s a unique world they’ve created. I give it one knock for the transformation effects which tend to look terrible.

Fringe- I look forward to each new episode, but that sadly means it just gets closer to being over. Solid episodes so far, but nothing too earth shattering yet.

Sons of Anarchy- Brutal season! The stakes are high in every episode, the drama and deaths keep adding up. Clay is back to making waves which is already raising hell. Clay is right back on walking on the razor edge and when he gets caught, he’s not going to get another pass.

The Walking Dead- Great season premiere, more fun and intensity than most of the last season. Got some very good pieces falling into place, so I have some high hopes for the season.

Dexter- Excellent start but I’m always wary of rampant stupidity from the writers to kick in. The last episode was rather strange, some good ideas with some questionable execution. I’m still on board with it though. The plot for this season was long over due and has breathed new life and impotance into Dexter.

Homeland- Just a great, great show. This season is continuing right on track from the last and the last episode was fantastic. Brody is just falling apart, I can’t see how he’s going to keep himself together for much longer. That’s just in his personal life with the rampant risks he’s had to take, the jig is really up for him with Saul managing to get that video out. Huge, huge win for Carrie. She’s going to be able to roll into the CIA on a chariot with wings made of gold flakes and unicorn hair on tomorrows episode.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia- Back and as obnoxious as ever.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- I think Nickelodeon has another hit on its hands. I really like this new version, pays all the right respect to the original cartoon run while making it their own. Love how it looks, some great animation sprinkled throughout.