Cornea Transplant: Week 1

Just about a week into this. It sucks. The procedure itself was really easy. Got to the hospital at 6am, procedure started around 7:15 and I was on the way home at 9:30. They got it down to a science, a well oild machine even! Knocked out for the numbing shots and drops. I think I remember most of the actual surgery. Had no idea I was knocked out at all which is a really strange feeling. Pain started around 4:30 when the shots and stuff wore off.

The pain is the easy part, it’s just a stinging sensation. Feels like I had sand in my eye or something. Tylenol kept the worst of it at bay and as of Sunday, the pain is almost all gone. What sucks is the CONSTANT tears. Like my brain is convinced there is something in there that can we washed out and it just does it all waking hours. The drops don’t help that. And the drops! Nine to ten a day! It’s more annoying than anything. Having your day chopped up based on a 2 to 4 hour eye drop regement gets old really fast. Super sensitivity to light and Ultra Blur makes it very hard to keep my left eye open for very long. It’s a really mentally tiring day.

Haven’t driven in a week, I hope to get back by Friday. Technically I could, but I’m not comfortable with it yet. Been having really weird dreams all week too, seen a lot of high school people for some reason, one serial killer nightmare and last night I had a Batman movie dream. Turns out my mind is a fantastic director even if each scene makes less sense than the last one. Wake up a lot too, wearing a guard over they eye will never be comfortable. Interestingly, I’ve been linking dreams a lot whenever I wake up and fall asleep again.

This recovery looks to be a long one, a week in and I just want to be able to keep my eye open for more than 10 seconds at a time. To read and play videogames! Really want to see The Dark Knight Rises, my ultimate prize just waiting there.

Time for some eye drops.

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