Daily Archives: August 2, 2010

Welcome to August

Summer is whipping right by. July did prove to be pretty epic, lots of fun events happened for me.

I’m currently addicted to Starcraft II, along with a few million other people. It’s been a long time since I bought a PC game and it was near impossible not to pick this up, 11 year wait for the sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. It lives up to it which is a great relief.

Speaking of addictions, I recently finished watching the entire Xena TV show from the 90’s. I watched the first 2 seasons or so when it first aired and stopped for whatever reason. Since seeing Lucy Lawless on Spartacus, it made me want to revisit the show and Netflix has them all up on Instant. So 6 seasons later I can say it was a pretty good show. I think it took me 5 months to get through and I gotta say I’m kind of bummed it’s over. The ending was pretty satisfying all in all (pretty logical for the message and direction of the show), but the episode before the last one was atrocious. The show probably would have been better at 5 seasons. 22 episodes per season is a lot, and cutting out the filler and bullshit episodes probably would equal 5 full seasons. The episode I mentioned above flashes forward to present day to try and fill a gaping plot hole from season 3 or 4. It was terrible. That plot hole should have been addressed right when it happened, not 2 season later with a horrible plot device to try and explain it. The section taking place in the “world” of Xena worked but everything in present day was terrible. Season 6 also went a step above in dark tones and violence, it was a strange tonal shift. The sloppy writing really kicked in in Season 5 and whenever they ran out of actual episodes with real plots there would be garbage episodes to get them to the end of the season where they knew how they wanted to end it. So avoiding the rough spots, it was a fun show and 15 years later I still have a crush on Lucy Lawless.

My Weird Windows 7 NIC restart bug update: It seems to be gone again. 5 restarts and the network kicked in right away. Maybe it’s the new FIOS router?