A lull

Had a bit of a lull recently, I’ve seen a few movies on DVD, but none really worth mentioning. They haven’t been bad per say, just not anything worth writing about.

TV has been going strong, Spartacus finished, but I haven’t watched it yet. Fringe is back and is on a roll, been a great season. Fox really needs to stop taking shows off for weeks at a time and starting them up at seemingly random. Cable always crushes network TV channels in this regard. They worst thing you can do is make a popular show stop in the middle of a season. Whatever reason they have for it is completly outdated and does nothing to help shows. You get a fan base and you keep them happy. People are way too busy and there are way too many options today to make a show vanish for a month. And forget about moving an established show to a different day, that is another nightmare. Fox has shot too many shows in the head that way.

A bit of a lull game wise this month, but May is going to be unbelievable. It might be the biggest May to date for games, it’s looking like a holiday release schedule. I think I’m going to make a release list to show how crazy this summer is going to be.

Korn III: Remember Who You Are looks to have a release date now. July 13th, 2010. Later than I hoped, but that is a day before Mayhem Festival kicks off so the timing is right. I think a lot still has to be done to get it ready for release despite the album being done. The single, “Oildale” looks to hit the radio on May 3rd so that’s something to look forward to. I really want to hear the studio cut.

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