Crackdown, first impressions.

Crackdown is the type of game that you sit down to play and the next time you look at the clock, you can’t believe that that much time has passed.

It’s a very simple game that has been designed incredibly well. This is it: Pacific City has gone to hell and the Agency (“The Man”) has resorted to making super cops to crackdown on crime. At the start you have better abilities than your average human, when you max your stats, you can make cars transform, you shoot guns like you were born with guns instead of hands, you can throw trucks 200 feet and your vertical leap is 30ft. Basically, you’re the Hulk. I think I’ve put in around 5 hours and the game just gets better and better. The game constantly rewards you by letting you do cooler and cooler shit as you go. The area design just gets better and better. The city (13 miles of land, 1 mile high ceiling) is broken up into 3 islands, with a crime family on each one. 3 mob bosses, with 6 underlings below him. Take out the mini bosses (so to speak) and the thugs lose power, the get weaker, their guns get worse, that sort of thing.

So you basically run around and lay out justice anyway you see fit. The game looks fantastic, basically a comic book GTA that doesn’t look like ass and the sound design is phenominal. And it has online 2 player co-op which just makes the game better.

Another amazing game on the XBOX 360.