Daily Archives: January 29, 2006

I’m sick! And other things

Friday night at about 7pm, my throat started to hurt. Saturday, I’m knocked on my ass. Sore throat, fever (my feet would be freezing but I’d be sweating everwhere else). Today I don’t feel any worse, but I don’t feel well at all. I’m not congested but the base of my throat is all scratchy and makes me cough. Last night I woke up ever single hour to cough. The only way to stop coughing is to force myself to ignore the itching feeling in my throat and not cough. A lot easier said then done. Yesterday I coughed so hard I threw up (yeah I was suprised too). I really need some cough medicine, that should make a big difference.

My computer is basically fixed. I had to buy a new dvd burner because my other one broke. Perfect timing with the heat sink, fan and hard drive failing on me. Now I’m just missing some documents that I can hopefully salvage from the old drive. I really need them.