What’s goin on

Some what interesting week. Lots of work, had my yearly physical (I was told I have beautiful veins by the blood lady. Weird how often I’ve been told that), did some serious chattin with Kyle and Bagels….and I got my New and Improved XBOX back today. Fuck you Sony.

I’ve been trying to get dad to get XM and he’s had the Roady 2 for awhile but never got it installed. Talked to some car audio dude in Glen Rock today and he told dad it wouldn’t work for some stupid ass reason. Something about interfering with the AM antenna, which makes no sense because it uses an FM modulator to broadcast to the stock radio. I might just try and install it myself when I get the chance. Might look a bit ghetto but I bet it will work.

I just realized I’m really tired. My mind is swimming with shit right now…I gotta get cracking on a script that I’ve been mulling over for the past few weeks. It should feel good just to get it out of me. I found a new contact at CBS I’m going to try next week too. Got a busy weekend coming up too, we’ll see how that goes…..