Daily Archives: May 27, 2024

Clash Of The Titans

Florida won game 1 in a shutout, 3-0. The score is deceptive as it was mostly a tight, one goal game. Florida was the better team with the Rangers unable to get any traction. It was a game of which whoever made the fewest mistakes would win. When Florida scored first it felt like the Rangers were skating uphill for the rest of the game. The huge error, Igor leaving his net–going far out–he messed up his pass/clearing attempt in a rush because of Florida’s aggressive forecheck. This led to him scrambling back, a weird bouncing shot, and Lafreniere accidentally hitting the puck between Igor’s legs. That was demoralizing, to say the least, and made a comeback in a hard game that much tougher. A quick empty net wrapped that one up.

Game 2 saw the Rangers start the game off right, in total control with increased speed and aggressiveness. The tide turned multiple times throughout the game. They were all over each other for 60 minutes. Play was tight, the hits were high, the shots on goal nearly the same, fierce competition. Of note, Florida scored on the power play for the first time breaking the Rangers’ fantastic penalty kill streak. This one went to overtime where everyone played on edge. With six minutes to go, Goodrow scored the game winner. Raucous applause from the home MSG crowd shook the arena.

Yesterday afternoon was Game 3 in Florida. This was a war of attrition. Florida played like Carolina, shooting at every single glimpse of an opening. By the end, the shot attempts were 108-44 Florida. Florida scored first but the Rangers rallied back. Lafreniere made up for his bungle in game one with a nasty breakaway backhand. Then Goodrow less than 30 seconds later with a Kreider-like deflection. Florida would tie it before the end of the first period.

In the second the Rangers scored two more, again with Lafreniere and Goodrow pulling out the stops, stunting on everyone. Goodrow’s in particular happened because of lazy Florida defense on a power play. And then a third period collapse.

Florida dominated for almost the entire period. It was okay until they scored about 6 minutes in or so. Then it was like the Rangers couldn’t do anything right. A ton of penalties for the night…Florida scored on two of them (Rangers with none but Goodrow’s shorthanded goal cut that red mark in half). Trouba had a terrible game and Miller wasn’t much better. For the last like 6 minutes, I think the Rangers did nothing but try and clear the puck for a line change and Florida would just move back in. Half time the clearing attempts were icings. They barely made it to the end in a tie. Igor did everything humanly possible to keep them alive, it was unreal.

And then the Panthers’ perfect defense stopped for a moment. They made a mistake. About 6 minutes into overtime, they left the center of the ice open and Alex Wennberg standing in front of the net alone. Kakko got the puck back to Lindgren up by the blue line and he let a shot fly. Wennberg deflected it in, top corner, stunning Florida into silence.

It was a grand larceny level of robbery. A miracle win, the stuff of highlight clips and legends. The Rangers managed to claw through the entire game but the odds of that happening again are basically zero. They cannot play that bad again. Igor can’t be relied on having games like that. It isn’t sustainable, his legs are going to get exhausted. The games are fast, the hits are hard and coming more frequently, so the wear and tear is adding up. Vesey has been hurt and is out for at least a week. They need to have another game 2 where they contain Florida better. Patience needs to be focused on. Don’t just turn around and fling out a clearing attempt. They have to at least try to skate it out of their own zone, or at least look where you are clearing so it isn’t intercepted 70% of the time. It’s insane how it seems like a Florida player is always in the way (i.e. in perfect defensive position).

While seeing the goals and assists spread out more is good, Laffy and Goody putting on All-Star effort and results, Zibanejad, Kreider, and Panarin need to become a threat again. They are being way too passive, so few shots on goal. Panarin is being smothered every time he’s out there so credit to Florida on their defense. Their plan is working. When he does get a chance to shoot it always seems like something happens. He completely whiffs a shot or the puck is bouncing all over the place and he can’t get a clean shot off. I’m not sure what’s happening with Kreider, he seems to disappear all the time. Zibanejad is being defended well too but it looks like he’s afraid to shoot. There’s way too much sloppy passing.

The other note is that the power play is completely dead. Those goals have given them the needed buffers in the previous series and it’s detrimental here (it should also be noted that Florida is getting few penalties). Giving up three power play goals makes that stat even worse. Special teams need to practice some new tactics.

Florida is going to be mad as hell tomorrow. It will be another war of attrition.