Monthly Archives: December 2008

Happy New Year!

Just a few hours left of 2008, here’s to a great 2009. Keeping with tradition, I’m not making any New Years resolutions because that’s all hack bullshit. I’ll do what I said last year and work to make my life better.

I took a big step yesterday with that, I paid off my car 5 months early. A huge debt is now gone and it feels awesome. My car is still in fantastic condition and has kept a lot of it’s value (15k on the current mileage). My plan is to keep it until the engine falls out. No need to take on new debt for a new car when mine still rules. My eye is now on the prize of moving out…some where yet to be determined.


Happy Holidays

The season is almost over. I’m outta here for a few days to visit family and then the new year is right there. I gotta work New Years Day, but I could use the money and maybe it’ll be the start of a good 2009. 2008 has been kinda fucked up.