Monthly Archives: October 2007

The Hives!

The Black and White Album came out in the UK last week which surprised the hell out of me, last I looked they didn’t even release a title for the album. The Hives are my #2 band so this album has really high expectations from me. Their previous 3 1/2 albums are phenomenal and I was worried about this one when I heard that they were working with a bunch of producers. After one listen through I can say that it’s without a doubt over produced. Especially for this band.

The rawness and ferocity seems to have been pulled back, even though there are many fast paced songs, it’s slower over all than their past albums. You can listen to it and definatly know it’s the Hives, it’s just oddly different. That’s only with one real listen through, but those are my initial impressions. Some good tracks on there though, but tracks 6 is fucking horrific and there is a point in one or two other songs where I wonder what they were aiming for.

More thorough impressions later.

Flickr update

The kitchen is basically done, just a bit of paint needs to be put on the wall next to the window on the left. I think it would look great if the tile went up all the way next to the window. It would look like the wall was made of stone and everything was built into it. It couldn’t take much to do that, it’s probably a total of a square foot of tile needed.

I put 8 pics up. Link is on the right as always.

Awesome TV

My Name is Earl- I’m on disc 3 of Season 2 and it still rules.

The Office (US)- Awesome that NBC is smart enough to put new episodes on their site on Fridays. Quality is really good too. Anyway, the show is strong as ever, it’s a definite must watch. Home to one of the best ensemble casts in TV history.

Weeds- Season 3 is running now and it, just like the aforementioned shows still rules.

Nip/Tuck- Season 5 starts at the end of the month, looking forward to it is an understatement.