Daily Archives: July 31, 2006

Worst Driver in the Tri-State Area

She (suprise!) had NY license plates on her minivan. I was going to work on Thursday, I’m making my way through Hillsdale and I come to a light where I want to make a left. She’s coming towards me and makes a sloooooow right hand turn, so she turned onto the street I’m turning on to.

She creeps around the corner and I am now behind her, following her. You know what this idiot does? The road we’re on is straight, and it has 2 streets that meet up with it. One on the right about 100 feet from he traffic light, and the next one is another 100 feet after that (a four way intersection, we have the right of way at both intersections).

We get to the first intersection and the woman STOPS. No blinker, she wasn’t turning. She stopped in the middle of the road to let the guy waiting for us to pass (he’s got the stop sign) so he could turn. He was on our right, he wanted to make a left onto our street, so he was going th opposite way. So I stop behind the genius and let out a WTF. We sit there and the guy wanting to make a turn looks dumb founded too. He figures it out and turns. The Stupid Woman continues foward. We come to the next intersection and she does it again.

No blinker, no warning, nothing, she just STOPS right fucking there to let someone who has a stop sign go. It was the dumbest, and most dangerous thing I’ve seen in a long time. This Stupid Woman has the right of way and is stopping at every fucking corner to wave people on! The guy behind me honks and I layed on my horn like a fucking crack fiend and let out a string of curses that would make a pirate do a double take. She takes the fucking hint and continues down the road as I make a right hand turn, still cursing.

I hope she gets a nose bleed that doesn’t stop.


For all 3 people that have left me comments, you might notice that it no longer works. I activated an anti-comment spam plug in that is missing some sht so that it doesn’t work the way it should (hense the error you get). At least I don’t have to delete 8 spam messages a day though. So until I get it working the way it should, just fucking email me or something. Emails make me feel special anyway. And if you don’t have my email or IM name, you suck ass anyway. No offense. Except for anyone living in the god forsaken midwest/bible belt.