Daily Archives: July 25, 2006

Random stuff

Some random updates. Script is on page 10. Looks like my goal of 20 pages is going to be easily achieved, some work is going to be needed to the beginning to get it the way I want. Length wise I’m fine but I want to make the setup as good as possible.

I’ve seen a bunch of movies in the past few weeks. Pirates 2 wasn’t as good as the first, but was still a fun movie. Part 3 looks like it’s going to be great as well. Depp kicks ass.

Broken Flowers starring Bill Murray sucked something fierce. Horrendous pacing, a shit ending that made me completely regret watching the movie. I actually fast fowarded though parts it was so boring. And I didn’t have to worry about fast fowarding through anything important because those parts were just traveling scenes. Bill Murray visits 4 ex girlfriends, and he’s shown him traveling to each of them. It had to have been at least 15 minutes worth of “watch Bill get on an airplane and then drive down the road”. You even get to see him get lost, ask for directions, turn around and then drive for another 5 minutes. UGH. There were two good parts that totalled 2 1/2 minutes of screen time. The first was a drug discussion between Murray, his neighbor and the neighbors 6 year old daughter. The second scene was this gorgeous girl (she plays Sharon Stones teenage daughter) who got naked. Totally didn’t see it coming and it was awesome. Almost enough to recommend watching this pile. Worse than Lost in Translation.

Clerks II turned out much better than expected. Got to see some favorite characters from my past, got introduced to some great new ones and shared more than a few laughs with 100 other people in the theatre. Dirty talk like you’d expect from a Kevin Smith movie (along with some safe direction) and writing that only he can do. It won’t convert any Kevin Smith haters, but it was a great flick that told a great story. Thank god it didn’t suck.