
Summer, summer time! Time to kick back and unwind!

Some random updates from the top of my head. Script work continues. I’ve tightened up the beginning a bit and added about 3 pages. I’m right up to the killers introduction and in doing so I’ve realized that my original ending (everyone dies) just wouldn’t be satisfying. More than that, I think it would seem like there was no point to the whole story. My whole idea is to make something scary and realistic, avoid as many horror cliches as I can (and still keep it short). So even when I have the whole story done (I think I’ve come up some good work arounds to what I was going to have originally) I’m going to need to really fine tune it. I’ve got the locations down to about 3 places and the cast is small, although I do have a few bit parts that may go. Depends how it goes I guess.

I’m going to see Pirates 2 tomorrow I think, can’t wait to see it. A Scanner Darkley is also out but in limited release so odds are that one is going to have to wait for DVD. Clerks II hits this month too and Miami Vice….I want to see that for some reason.

Game wise, summer is it’s typical slow self. Big game for this month is Prey for PC and 360. Demo was pretty wild and the reviews I’ve seen have been positive. I started playing Burnout 4 again, still alot of fun. I’m currently 58% done according to the game so I still have a lot to do there.

Anyone who likes rock music has to check out the Wolfmother CD. It’s phenomenal. Easist way to describe it is The White Stripes and Led Zepplin. Really great, old school rock feel.

Big news this week, Jen is pregnant so that means I have another nephew or neice on the way. It’d be cool if it was a girl, nice to have one of each I think. That one isn’t due for another 8 months, so lots of exitement to come. Jen and Danny are visiting in August which is rapidly approaching. Summer months always go by so fast.

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