Was driving around town yesterday and my right rear tire blew out. The hole looks like a knife went through the side of the tire. It couldn’t be fixed so now I’m out $140 for a new tire. At least my birthday is coming up, get some money to recoup a bit.
Freedom of Speech and Hypocricy
Who knew the words “Nappy headed hos” could cause such an upheaval in America. A throw away comment (which may also go down as the biggest bomb of a joke in recorded history) by radio personality Don Imus has gotten him fired from CBS Radio. Leading the charge are the always righteous Reverands, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
With the speed of a rocket ship hell bent for Mars, Sharpton and Jackson have rushed to the side of the Rutgers Womans Basketball team, who were apparently “scarred for life” by Imus’s comment. With history repeating itself, Sharpton and Jackson have whipped this incident to an unbelievable level.
My problem is this: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should be the furthest people harping on about Imus being a racist, a bigot and in general, a horrible person. All of their claims and remarks can be turned right around and pointed back at themselves with their history of inflammatory remarks and clear cut racism. It’s ridiculous.
The crux of this is the “Nappy Headed Hos” line. Some believe Imus said this with hate, to be racist and to put the Rutgers team down based on their skin color (in the past week this has blown up to him being sexist as well). The level of disgust on this comment ranges greatly on where you look. Some wanting Imus’ head on a stick and the vast majority of people scratching their heads wondering what the big deal is (all the polls that I’ve seen from media outlets show that the majority of people don’t think Imus should have been fired). Everyone can agree that it was a stupid comment and he shouldn’t have said it. It was unnecessary and unfunny (he did say it as a joke. In the context of what he was saying and HOW he said it, it was clearly a joke. The intent is very important here). Many people don’t like Imus, he can be a bully, he speaks his mind, he’s old. He’s been doing this for 40 years people know what he’s like, respect him for it and thus, listen to his program.
So, following Imus’ comments the sea starts to churn as the Reverends cannon ball into the water and the stupid media goes into a frenzy like a shark sensing chum in the water. Imus apologized (and sincerely, I believe) on television (he even went on Sharptons radio show to address this) and it’s not enough. Sharpton still demanded that he be fired.
Imus is human and humans make mistakes. Just like our good Reverends here who have many events recorded in their pasts that are far beyond what Imus has ever said or done. One of the biggest being The Tawana Brawley case from 1987.
Take a look at that. Sharpton knowingly backed up a liar for his own personal agenda based on race. He made WILD accusations of people and was later sued for it. He lost that suit, never apologized and never paid up. One of the prosecutors (Maddox)that sided with Sharpton was even disbarred over this! He never showed up for a disciplinary hearing over his conduct on this case. And Tawana Brawley skipped out to Virgina with $300,000 that was from people who donated the money because they wanted to help a girl that was apparently brutalized. How’s that for honesty and morals?
This also mimics the recent Duke Lacrosse rape case. Last year a black prostitute accused some of the Duke lacrosse team that they raped her. They were found innocent this same week. Jesse Jackson sided with this lying whore (which she actually is, she lied and her profession is a prostitute) solely based on race. With NO PROOF whatsoever, Jackson was by her side condemning these innocent men of a heinous crime. There is video of Jackson on Hannity and Combs (if I remembering the correct show) saying that he was going to give the accuser money for a scholarship and that he was going to help her get through this ordeal. When asked about “being innocent until proven guilty” and what if the men are innocent, Jackson replied similar to, “The evidence shows that they are not innocent.” At that time there WAS NO EVIDENCE. She was constantly changing her story and now through the courts it’s proven that she lied and it never happened. This almost ruined these three young mens’ lives! These were serious accusations brought against them and it was all for a cash run and Jackson sits in the brief lime light with it. Since this happened the same week as Imus it’s been pretty much buried along with the deaths of more of our people and friends over seas in the Middle East (barely a mention of that suicide bomber that got into the Pakistani government building). Jackson has pretty much disappeared on this issue since it’s blown up in his face and he owes those kids an apology (the prosecutor is probably going to be investigated by the NC Bar Association for his conduct during the interrogation of the accused Duke players).
Since this is all about the so called racist remarks that Imus said, how about these gems from Jesse Jackson? He was “sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust”; that there are “very few Jewish reporters that have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs”. In January 1984 during a conversation with Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman, he referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown.” Al Sharpton stuck his foot in his mouth with this line from the Freddie’s Fashion Mart incident where he said “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Be sure to check out the Crown Heights Riot fiasco where Sharpton helped to fan the flames and ended up with an innocent man being killed by a mob chanting “Kill the Jew”.
Another off color (and really insulting) remark that occurred more recently was from famous loudmouth Rosie O’Donnell. The “Ching-Chong” remark. After a well publicized appearance by an intoxicated Danny Devito on the View, she said, “”You know, you can imagine in China it’s like, ‘Ching-chong, ching-chong. Danny DeVito. Ching-chong, ching-chong-chong. Drunk. The View. Ching-chong.'” After some pathetic attempts at an apology, she was never fired. And what did her freaking publisist say for her? “”She’s a comedian in addition to being a talk show co-host. I certainly hope that one day they will be able to grasp her humor.” OH REALLY. It get’s better folks! A bit later, Rosie made this statement in her defense on The View, “To anyone who was offended at my Chinese, Asian, pseudo-Japanese, sounded a little Yiddish accent that I was doing, you know, it was never [my] intent to mock, and I’m sorry for those who felt hurt or were teased on the playground….But I’m also gonna give you a fair warning that there’s a good chance I’ll do something like that again, probably in the next week — not on purpose. Only ’cause it’s how my brain works.” Can you hear my eyes rolling? Because I can hear yours. And that’s just one instance of her insane comments since she started on The View less than a year ago. Looking at what’s happened to Imus, she still has her job because…?
In addition you have others piping up that just have no buisness doing so. Al Roker? Shut it, your claim to fame is standing underneath an umbrella. Snoop Dog? Has led a sordid past and he’s been allowed to say all sorts of stuff in his songs and profits from it everyday! He gets into legal trouble all of the time for guns, violence and drugs and he has endorsements for all sorts of stupid shit! I love ya Snoop, but how big was that check from Orbits gum? Or Boost Mobile? Imus says one stupid thing and gets raked across the coals for it? Why? And Whoopi Goldberg! Oh my lord. She’s a comedian herself, and backed Ted Danson when he did a bit at her roast in the mid 80’s that he did in black face. He even went so far as to do the watermelon stereotype! She stood by Danson for doing a MUCH worse joke (that’s what he said, that’s the context he said he did it in and she agreed with him).
See what I’m getting at here? It’s hypocrisy in it’s ugliest mask, parading around like he’s got all the right answers. How can Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson condemn Imus for a fraction of language that they have more than done themselves? Aren’t they reverends? I think if that word is said before your name, you are. Doesn’t that mean they follow Jesus teachings of love and (wait for it) forgiveness?
It’s unbelievable how this has snowballed out of control. The Rutgers girls are riding this publicity wave (I’m convinced they’ve been talked into being “offended” and to go along for the ride). I’d bet money that these same women have been called and teased worse by their siblings and peers more times than they can count. It’s safe to say that when they were told what Imus said, their first reaction was “Who’s Imus?” followed by, “Whatever”.
This is now leading us right into the hip hop industry. Imus’ demographic skews so high he’s not really relevant to most of the public. And even so, name another person who has the diversity of guests on his show talking about a wealth of topics and has done the charity work that Imus has done in last 20+ years (hint: it’s not Al or Jesse). Oh and I tip my hat at the scumbags at MSNBC for dropping his show the day before his annual fund raiser for helping kids with cancer. Touch of class cutting off a big source of donations. Thank god for the movement that radio show hosts Opie and Anthony started.
It comes down to a “We want to be able to say things that you can’t” based solely on if the person is black or not. That’s a fact echoed by recent comments by both Sharpton and Jackson. Look at what urban radio stations say on the air, they get away with murder (listen to Hot 97 in NY or Steve Harvey’s beyond awful program sometime). It’s a double standard that is complete bullshit. Equality means being equal for everyone, it doesn’t work any other way. Rap music is full of violence, drugs and misogyny. These musicians are looked up to by generations of people. They help shape popular culture and beliefs. Instead of going after a dope like Imus, real issues need to be addressed. Black on black crime is still a huge problem, education needs to be addressed (why are kids who are trying to get an education and make something of their lives being harassed? The whole “Uncle Tom” mentality is self destructing the black community). New black leaders need to be found and appointed, Sharpton and Jackson are only in it for themselves, relics of a time long gone by. They bully and threaten people to get their way.
In this country free speech should never be threatened. What Imus said wasn’t an FCC violation and threating someones lively hood because of what a person means there is no free speech. Let’s be perfectly clear on this: Everyone regardless of race, sex and creed has the right to say what they want. Who made the two biggest hypocrites the language police? They don’t and can’t determine what a person can say, especially due to the persons skin color. Rappers should have the right to write, say and use the language they want to. Just like Imus and the rest of America has. You can’t just cut out a group of people on some bullshit like this, there is no foundation for an argument. It’s racism and segregation, plain and simple. At this point in history, this country does not need anything else to divide us. We need to be able to communicate, get along and understand each other more than ever. Building walls between people is the worst thing to do. Watch how this rolls right up to hip hops doorstep and knocks it over.
The Don Imus dibocle
I’m going to write up my thoughts on the Don Imus clusterfuck that has happened this week, but it won’t be in this post. I gotta gather up some sources and really write it out so it’s going to take some time. Should be up on Sunday.
To get my overall feelings very quickly, I don’t think he should have been fired and the whole situation is hypocrisy at its worst.
Is a really fun movie. Nothing has been made like it in decades. Sure we’ve always had horror movies, but none that are throw backs like this to the 70’s double features with trailers. It’s a refreshing time really, 3 hours long with 4 fake trailers and 2 full length (80 min) movies. Rob Rodriqez’s Planet Terror (zombie flick) is my favorite, it’s gory, over the top, really funny and entertaining from start to finish. Quentin Tarintino’s Death Proof was way longer than it should have been. The concept is brilliant, a serial killer that uses his car as his weapon. There’s a big set up to get to know the 4 girls that leads to a phenominal pay off, but then the movie basically starts over again with 4 new girls, a whole new set up/intro that takes forever and then a great ending (for the most part). Kurt Russell is the man, don’t get me wrong, but QT just writes some of the most rambling shit known to man. Face it, it’s bitches babbling about shit that no man would ever want to sit around to begin with. Of course it’s just girls being girls and I’m sure the whole structure is an homage to some past shit, but it was still a dull stretch to sit through.
Good times though, everyone needs to see it so we can get a sequel. The possibilities are endless.
reciept update
Dad talked to a manager at Frontier and he says that they know they didn’t give us an engine replacement, that receipt lists things that were ordered in total. That sort of makes sense, but the separate lamp they ordered isn’t on there. And for comfort sake I’d want that in writing because it’d still be easy to screw us over when the time comes to get a new lamp. Speaking of the lamp, I found out how to get into the service menu of the tv, and the counter for the lamp said it was at about 600 hours. I can’t believe that’s correct. I thought for sure it’d be something like 1500 hours in the time we’ve had it. Watched a lot of movies and played a lot of games… I’ll check the counter again in a week to see what kind of time is being put on the TV and figure out an average in the next month or so.bage
4 weeks and 4 days
The TV actually works now! But Frontier is easily the worst company I have ever had to deal with in my life. They are liars and judging by some shady shit on the receipt, cheats as well.
The guy was 2 hours late to start with. 11-3 huh? Good to see you at 5. The “digital board” was the culporate. After some questionable looking methods to get the DB out, (he was using the screwdriver as a pry bar) he got the new one in and it kick on right away. Spin the tv around, plug shit back in and the Samsung lights again. 4 weeks and 4 days later after it died.
Now the reciept says that they replaced the “digital board” (correct) and the “Light Engine” (completely false). They ordered the light engine for fixing round #2 (which was almost 2 weeks ago) which as we all know, wasn’t the problem. Just like the bulb they brought the first time, they took it out and put the orignal light engine back into the set. So that reciept says they gave us a part that they took back! The Light Engine has a new bulb as part of the assembly so they could very possible try to fuck us over when the light actually does burn out (around $145 for a bulb)! The extended warranty we have from Best Buy means we get one bulb replacement as part of the deal. So according to how the receipt is now, they could tell us that the bulb was replaced because we got a new light engine. Which is horseshit.
So 2 things: it’s an honest mistake on the reciept. It could just take quick call to fix and we’re all good. OR they really are trying to scam us and best buy(best buy approves payment for all parts). If we didn’t watch them do everything, we would never know. By saying we have that light engine and they still have it, they could try to sell it to someone else or something.
The whole situation and really that whole company is really shady. There is an entire week of bullshit on Frontiers part. The week we left for California, I called Frontier about the part that was supposed to be ordered the previous Thursday (the day the tech was there and had the wrong part, the Light Engine). The girl told me that the part was ordered on Friday and they were waiting to get it, they’d call us when they got it in. Jump forward to that Saturday when we’re in CA and dad calls Frontier, they say they don’t have it and so he calls the Best Buy hotline number we have. They hadn’t heard from Frontier, they didn’t know what was going on. What the fuck? BB says they’re going to call Frontier and get back to us within 72 days. Tuesday Best Buy tells us they’ve talked to Fronter and are waiting on A NEW ESTIMATE to see if the tv can be fixed or just be replaced (see my previous blog post). Can anyone logically explain that? What the fuck did Frontier do that week? Why was I told the part was ordered when it never was? Best Buy approves everything they do and they didn’t know anything about that week we were waiting! If we never called where would we be right now?
So that brings us to last Friday where Frontier calls to tell us that they are coming on monday (today). So that’s where we are at. The TV is fixed but it looks like this isn’t over.
TV: Fixed on Monday?
It’s safe to say that Frontier did nothing for our case last week. After being lied to that the part was ordered a week ago, we find that best buy didn’t know wtf was going on. So they talked to Frontier and told us they were waiting for a new estimate on if the tv should be fixed or replaced. Friday we were told that they are coming on Monday with the necessary (lol!) parts. So if they fuck this up again, it’s safe to say we are getting a new set on them.
Back, back, from Cali, Cali
Back from the trip, it was a great one. Gotta get things back in order and I’ll have a good update and give Flickr a good workout.
Going, going, back, back
….to Cali Cali.
I’m outta here for a few days, time to hit up the West Coast.
Oh! Hey Sony, nice PS3 launch in Europe and Australia. bwahahahah.
Just look at him! He’s adorable! His name is pronounced Ka Noot, which might be the greatest name I’ve ever heard.
Moving ahead
After this passed weekends snow storm, I think that was winters last effort for the season. Spring looks to be on the way as the rest of the week’s temps are pushing into the 50’s. 60’s shouldn’t be that far behind. Taking off for CA this weekend so I’m going to be seeing some 60 degree weather regardless, I’m hoping it’ll get warmer than that though. I also hope the weather will be better when we get back home.
Saw 300 in IMAX this weekend at it was a sweet movie. Not much else you can say about it. It’s the mans feel good movie of the season. Director Zach Snyder is on a roll, first with the Dawn of the Dead remake that did great numbers in 2004 and now 300 which is setting records. It’s still going full steam ahead pushing past 120 million in less than 2 weeks.
TMNT the arcade game is on xbox live and it’s freaking sweet. Great little game for 5 bucks.
So that’s what happens when you order the wrong part
The dope ordered the wrong part for the TV. Nice trouble shooting, asshat. The “DLP Engine” is being sent back and supposedly a new Digital Board has been ordered. Going to have to follow up on that to see if he lied. So if we’re lucky, it’ll be fixed on Monday. I’m going to get a VGA cable for my 360 today, I can’t take it any longer.