A bump in the road to recovery

Dad had a set back yesterday, he had a blood clot develop in his leg. I’ve been told it’s pretty common and thankfully dad’s is minor and was caught early so no real harm is done. He needs to stay at the hospital until Monday to make sure everything is under control, but he’ll be back on track in quick order.

Dad’s home

After some melodrama to get him out of the hospital (read: stupid, lazy, unorganized, clueless people and one of the busiest cities in the world) he’s home. He’s like a wounded duck, got a long road of recover ahead of him still. Worked his ass off to get out of the hospital in 6 days so now his environment is much better at least. Should be a a month before he’s really mobile.

So yeah, the left windshield wiper arm is bent and I gotta get a new one. Gonna be like 80 bucks, I fucking suck.


Looks like this North Easter grazed us, more rain than anything though it’s about 32 outside. I think I broke my fucking windshield wipers (again). They won’t move. I knew I shouldn’t have touched them but I did anyway. Snow got underneith the starting position and threw it all out of wack.

Surgery part 2

It’s been a long day but dad’s surgery went well. Took the Dr. a bit longer than normal but it went as well as it could. Dad opted to get the spinal anesthesia, it’s easier to recoup from it than the standard IV. We left at about 230 to beat traffic, dad was still in the recovery room waiting for a room in the hospital to free up. He’ll be on his feet tomorrow, which is a lot sooner than I ever thought. I expect him to come home on saturday, sunday by the latest.

Surgery tomorrow!

Dad is due at the hospital at 6:30 am! On the table at 8:15. That means we gotta leave here at 5:30. So I got about 6 hours of sleep if I pass out now. Shouldn’t be too bad…to be honest I’m psyched it isn’t me this time. So it shouldn’t be too bad for metomorrow.

My car isn’t broken

Which is great. Got the 45k service done, thankfully the weird front left tire noise went away in 24 hours and Toyota didn’t find anything wrong. So it was smooth sailing through there. Christmas shopping is almost done. Bless the Internet for that.

Dad’s birthday just passed, his surgery is in a week…that’s the big event this month.


2007 is barreling to a close. After Thanksgiving the end of the year is right at your feet, goes so fast.

It’s been awhile since my last update so some random stuff.

Saw Beowulf in 3D and it was average at best. Without the 3D it probably would have been more disappointing. It really didn’t connect with me, the pacing felt really off. It was cool and then boring, then cool and then boring. Technically it was sound but afterwards I wished I went to see The Mist instead (which I hear rules).

I haven’t watched any DVDs in awhile, I’ve fallen behind since of all the kick ass games that have come out. Call of Duty 4 was a great ride, I haven’t played much multiplayer, not sure why. Actually it was because I was playing the shit out of Assassin’s Creed. Loved it from start to finish. It’s been awhile since a game grabbed like that. It’s the only thing I played for a week, put in at least 15 hours. I just have a some Templars to find and kill and like 300 (lol!) flags to find. Sure it has it’s faults but I give the game a solid 8. I loved the story, sound is terrific, it looks amazing and controls as well as you could want. The combat was different but after a bit I came to love it as well. Now I’m on to Mass Effect. I’m 6 hours in and it’s a wild game. I’m just digging into it, getting used to the combat and figuring out the galaxy and what direction I want to take my character. The dialog is really amazing stuff, it’s got some graphical glitches and shit (thanks Unreal Engine 3) but it’s nothing that kills the game. I’ll have better impressions in time.

The Xbox 360 Fall update is finally dropping on Tuesday, really looking forward to that as it’ll allow us to play divx files which totally rules. I won’t have to transcode Top Gear anymore and can watch like every video on my PC downstairs at will. Speaking of Top Gear, it’s been an amazing season so far. Every episode so far has ruled.

Dad is going for his knee surgery on the 12th, that should be pretty epic. We’re gearing up for that, should be interesting. With Christmas just weeks ago I gotta hop on my shopping. I think I’m going to do all of it on Amazon, fuck going to the store. Not worth the hassle and Amazon rules. Should be able to do it in 2 “visits”. I gotta figure out some stuff for other people.

In related weekend news

Not only did the show rule, I won 200 bucks playing blackjack. Kyle and I found the ideal table. The dealer kicked ass and the deck we sat down on was from the gambling gods. The dealer got 21 maybe 5 times, I got a like 3 blackjacks and whenever I split or double down it usually went into my favor. Kyle won like a hundred.

Feels good to break my losing streak.

Jonathan Davis “Alone, I Play Tour”

11/10/07 Verona, NY
Turning Stone Casino, The Showroom

Set List (pretty sure this was it)
1) System (from Queen of the Damned)
2) Last Legal Drug (B side from See You on The Other Side)
3) 4U
4) Hey Daddy
5) Forsaken (from Queen of the Damned)
6) Dirty
7) Alone I Break
8] Slept So Long (from Queen of the Damned)
9) Love On The Rocks (Neil Diamond cover)
10) Hushabye
11) Kick the PA (Spawn soundtrack)
12) Not Meant For Me (from Queen of the Damned)
13) Hold On
14) Blue Monday (New Order cover)
15) Careless (from Queen of the Damned)
16) Redeemer (from Queen of the Damned)
17) Got The Life
18) Trash
19) Falling Away From Me
20) The Chauffeur (Duran Duran cover)

It was an amazing show to put it as simply as possible. Really small venue that’s tucked into the side of the casino, it was easy to pass by it. The stage was the size of your average high school stage, held 1,000 people tops (we estimated 600 people in house, the last tier was completely empty). The place was so small there really were no bad seats. We were on the floor, right in front of JD about 30 feet from him, it was crazy.

We skipped seeing Godhead and came in just as Shenkar hit the stage. He’s the fiddler who worked on the Queen of the Damned soundtrack with JD and I guess JD is giving him a chance to play in front of some US crowds. Holy shit is he bad. Like beyond description sound. It was like watching Yani or something, nobody knew why this guy was stage doing what he was doing. He did 4 “songs”, got an applause for saying “This is the last song” and then got booed off the stage only to come back out 20 minutes later for Jon’s set.

Very simple set up, Jon was sitting in a throne (you can see it in his promo pics for Untitled) with the rest of the band spread behind him (5 guys). Nothing extra was on stage besides a big drum for Jon to wack on a few songs. Since Shenkar stunk so bad I knew it could only get better from there and it did, I was really blown away.

This is a tour for the hardcore, it’s safe to say anyone who goes is a die hard JD fan (even more so than a Korn fan). You’re going to see him and he knows and caters that. While korn songs were played the arrangements and sounds was very different, almost like new remixes. It’s hard to describe, the sound was different than even the Unplugged session. Jon sounded unbelievable during the whole show, nailing everything. Some sound issues were there (Jon’s volume needed to be adjusted, Zach’s keyboards were way too loud) in the very beginning but they fixed them in quick order. They charged through the set with him feeding off of us and us feeding off of him. He put all of his emotion into his singing, like he was singing them for the first time (some tracks he was actually) and just for us. “4U” ruled, “Hey Daddy” was INCREDIBLE, he had to compose himself at the end of it. “Alone I Break” is a personal favorite of mine and we got to hear that for the first time ever and it was completely intense. His stage presance fucking ratiated out of him. Even though he only got up once it was still such a powerful show. It was very different, it could have been a disaster, but I think he made all the right choices for the show. No “Tearjerker” or anything off “Life is Peachy” was a bummer though. The band he put together to back him up is totally awesome. A very special shout out to the bass player who looked cool as shit and absolutely KILLED IT on a few songs. There was one time where he had almost a solo going where he was on like a different plane of existence wailing away on that huge stand up base. I want to say it was on either “Hey Daddy” or “Trash”. I can’t remember exactly, I wish I had it on video it was so unbelievable.

The biggest fans were in front of us, the super hardcore Korn fans. They know all the words (even to the super rare QOTD songs), knew what he was drinking, freaked our during the whole show. Seemed like there were some people behind us that thought they were too cool for the room, but we were a great crowd, loud as hell and he thanked us for it. “This is some crazy shit, isn’t it?” “Thank you for coming and letting me do this.” “You guys are an amazing audience, thank you.” I’m pissed I didn’t bring my camera in, there was like no security. My cell phone pics blow and the video I got is a little better, sound came out better than I thought though.

The downers? They didn’t have the DVD ready to sell! I came out of there ready to drop 30 or 40 bucks on that thing it was such an amazing show. I was also stupid and didn’t buy this kick ass skully with JD’s signature sewed onto it. And most of all, I wanted more! At the end of the show we were begging for more and Loc Dog just swept him off the stage like a minute after the last song. It went by so damn fast…I guess that’s a good sign of a crazy good show.

If you love JD and can get to see him do this, don’t hesitate, it’s worth whatever you have to pay and do to get to see it.

Follow this link to get to see some video from this show: