yeah, Bo Jackson might now be the pups name. I’m sticking Teddy as the middle name because I still like Teddy Bear.
No good pics yet because the weather blows.
yeah, Bo Jackson might now be the pups name. I’m sticking Teddy as the middle name because I still like Teddy Bear.
No good pics yet because the weather blows.
Jonathan Davis did a chat session this weekend at Korn Korner and has said that Ross Robinson is going to produce the next KoRn album (2009). Awesome to hear, he did KoRn and Life is Peachy.
Word is that Head may come back…eventually. What that really means is unclear. JD says he’s talked to him and he’s interested but the time isn’t write. Coming back to the world that almost killed him with temptation is something he needs to be sure he can handle.
On the negative side, he gets the feeling that David is done, music isn’t his passion anymore. Ray Luzier (I spelled that wrong) is pleasing everyone with his work on tour, by the sound of it he could be on the next album, if not welcomed into the fold. Which would be awesome, I’ve really dug what I’ve seen and I think he would fit in very well. I’d be great to have a permanent drummer again.
Korn has finished their World Tour, JD is now gearing up to do a second leg to his Alone I Play gig overseas starting at the end of the month. He’s going to be at the only Ozzfest date in texas too.
Name hasn’t been decided yet, but he’s awesome. 5 month old English Cocker Spaniel. black and white. Pictures coming soon.
A puppy tomorrow? Could be…
Almost bopped the shit out of a deer today on the way to work. Cruising at about 35mph, close to work. Enjoying the perfect weather as I see this thing standing on the right side of the road. Looks like a deer. IT IS. Full grown female. How stupid are these things? I’m getting closer and then it decides to run across the road hooves clomping and sliding along the pavement. I hit the breaks, juke to the right and miss this goofy broad by maybe 5 feet. It looked at me like “WHA?” as I continued on my way. Would have fucked up my car too, thank god I missed it.
How long have deer been wasting space up here? Centuries? Decades with cars. And they still don’t know how to cross the street? How is this easy and fundamental skill in life not being passed down by the ones that don’t get creamed? Why the fuck are these things deciding to bound in front of a massive object that is getting closer really fast? It’s not like they need to know “That’s a car, that’s a truck”, I think “That shit is big and dangerous” is easy and enough to know. Prey. It’s gotta be because they’re prey. Nothing but meat with eyeballs. Like cows. And rabbits.
Got the new computer almost 2 weeks ago, my password got messed up for this somehow but I got it all straightened out. I’d waste more time, but GTA 4 is waiting for me downstairs.
Went to see Life Without Warning play last weekend and they did really well. Just not well enough to get onto the Bamboozle ticket apparently. Minor set back, I’m sure they will find greater success too. I watched The Thief come on after them and dug how Jesus Christ was playing bass! He ruled. They had a great last song (only played like 4) where they really rocked out, lead singer is a cutie too. Her myspace pic has her with bleached hair (blech) but she currently has short brown hair which looks worlds better. The songs they have online stink though, the live stuff was considerably better.
Today it was almost 70 out and it ruled. Tomorrow we’re around 60 but rainy :(. COME ON SPRING.
My birthday is getting close, I want a new computer and GTA 4 (April 29th!!).
Finally got a bootleg of The Chauffer, from Jonathan Davis Alone I Play tour. It’s from the Vegas show, which was a great one.
POD has new album, gotta check that out and see if it’s good.
Jen and the kids land in NJ on Saturday. Home for 2 weeks, ought to be good.
So much for good weather. Another rainy and cold one today. Yesterday was clear and cold while tomorrow may be warm and rainy. At least it’ll be into the 60’s.
I officially dub this weekend to be my Spring Break. Now I just need the weather to not suck and I’ll double my pleasure.
With a cover sheet! Feels good. The sun is out today too.
After a shady weekend today finds us in awesome sunny and near 60F weather!
Might rain tomorrow but it should be relatively warm. I’m all for it.