The Dark Knight

Don’t know why I haven’t posted about this yet, but I saw it in IMAX on Friday night. Then again last night on a standard “smaller than a skyscraper” screen.

It’s that good, it deserves every cent it makes. Easily my favorite movie of the year, and in my top 10 of all time. So happy it turned out so well, it’s a fantastic example of American film making. A deserving movie knocked that mess Spiderman 3 out of many #1 box office records.

I fully expect Heath to get a Oscar nomination. The worst part of the movie is that Heath won’t be able to be the Joker again.

Microsoft Press Conference

It was awesome, that is all.

Okay, a little more.

This years conference was worlds better than last years. The Netflix partnership is what I’ve been hoping for, it’s going to rule. I’ve wanted to use the on demand feature on my TV since it started. It’s just a matter of time until they can up the resolution for playback. THANK YOU for only requiring a Netflix sub, so awesome. Sick to get new movies on DVD and catalog shit whenever (they have a lot too).

Also awesome is MS coming out of left field with the best and essential parts of Home without the horseshit. Unless Sony says Home is coming out in the fall, they’ve just been bitch slapped something fierce.

I don’t mind how the new dash looks, don’t know how themes will be integrated and I think it’ll take some hands on time to see if it really works better. If it does, I’m all for it. The guide being like the blade is cool to, since I like the blade dashboard.

Fallout 3 was disappointing, GOW2 looks fucking AWESOME (Horde mode sounds great), Fable 2 looks a lot better than the last time I saw it. Stupid demo though, way too short and didn’t show anything new. The co-op “glowing orb to join” thing was pretty wild though. The new Portal expansion is a really big get. And RE5 is looking great. Reminds me of RE0 though.

At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if a blu-ray drive wasn’t coming.

And FF13 is shocking, didn’t think Sony would let that happen. Sony has to have something tomorrow to counter it.


I’m on a great movie roll. I watched Jumper and thought it was neat, teleportation is just a cool concept. I’d like to see a Nightcrawler movie now. Wanted is a ton of fun, Angelina is still super sexy. Wall E is some of Pixars’ finest work and now Hellboy II is up this week. Love Guerelmo del Toro and it looks like II is going to be leaps and bounds better than the first.

THEN. Batman: Dark Knight on IMAX on the 18th.

I’ve started watching The Wire on DVD, Weeds continues to entertain, Dance Crew has been solid so far and Top Gear is having a fantastic season.

David rumor 99% fake

Looks like the rumor of David starting up a new band is bogus. Higher ups have apparently been asked and they say it’s fake. The whole JD’s half brother as the singer was just too weird to be true. Still, I think there is some bad blood between David and the boys.

JD thinks Head will come back eventually though…no time frame given, just what he believes.

New JD interview and rumors!

A really good interview with Jonathan Davis can be found here. It’s been cut up into a few parts, pretty sure it’s from the Pinkpop festival over in Germany (I think). Lots of great info, one of the best interviews I’ve seen of him.

JD is doing is Alone I Play tour for the next month overseas while working on his solo album with The Simply Fucking Amazings. Munky and Fieldy are both working on their side projects while Korn is on break. JD plans on doing a tour to support his solo album that could be out in August. Then back to the studio for the next Korn album at the end of the year with producer Ross Robinson (totally psyched for that).

As for who the drummer will be…no way of knowing. Ray hopefully as it now looks like David is in a new band with the lead singer of Adema (who is JD’s half brother!). It’s a rumor now, their myspace page has just been wiped clean (“Satellite Syndrome”). There is an alleged lawsuit between David and KoRn which would explain a lot….I’m thinking this is for real and David is never coming back. I’ll post my hypothesis later today.