It’s been real, My Space.
Obama on 60 Minutes
Quality. Watch it.
NXE preview get!
I got into the New Xbox Experience on Friday. The new GUI for 360 goes live for everyone on Wed, but MS let something like 30,000 users in early.
It’s awesome. It is better in everyway, I wouldn’t want to go back to the old blade dashboard. Everything is organized much better, it’s at least twice as fast and it looks really nice. People had a knee jerk reaction to the avatars back at E3, but it’s really in the background. He stands there in front of one section in “My Xbox” and you see them when scrolling through the graphical list of your friends. Right now the only bad part is the very limited selection of clothes. There is not enough choices for the millions of avatars coming next week.
There are bits of new features that are cool.
Ripping full games to the HD is pretty cool. No dvd drive noise and in most cases games load faster. But that gobbles up memory so now I’m looking to get a 120 gig HD for as cheap as I can find.
You can now have the tray close with a game in but not boot up until you tell it too (nice).
The Guide now looks like the old blade dashboard. You can access just about every feature the system does from there, which is fantastic and it’s very fast.
Parties! You and 7 other friends can now voice chat at once. You can all be doing something different, and then say you want to play a game together. Party leader pops the game in and in one button you send out a group invite. Everyone loads up and you can either stay in the party chat or use the voice system in the game you’re playing. Great implementation that beats Sony’s Home to the punch without announcing it 2 years ago and still making users wait.
And the huge one: Netflix On demand integration. Takes about 2 minutes to set up and your Instant queue is right there. Scroll through movie covers, you get all the details of the film right in front of you and in 30 seconds or less, the movie or tv show starts playing. It’s brilliant. Just need a Netflix and XBL Gold membership to get it to work.
Congrats to MS for a job well done. Now the question is, can the network handle the pounding it’s going to get on Wednesday?
Left 4 Dead Demo is out!
For preorders on 360 and PC! I get to try out my new Logitech g7 mouse with it. My old one broke today, got a great deal on it from Amazon with free shipping.
Hell Yes
Also! Pressure is on President Obama, good luck getting us out of the toilet, you’re gonna need it.
AIG execs’ retreat after bailout angers lawmakers – Yahoo! News
These people need to be thrown into jail. Legendary greed.
AIG execs’ retreat after bailout angers lawmakers – Yahoo! News
Crystal Head Vodka
I just realized with the BB credit I can get the new Rock Band 2 drums for 30 bucks. Oh my god, the temptation.
Painless 360 swap via Best Buy. Got a new Arcade unit with the new guts! Should have a HDMI slot too. Got a few arcade games with it and a wireless controller instead of a wired one. Also! With the lowered price difference (200 vs 300 when I got it) I was able to get another warranty and a $64 dollar credit. Great day so far with some great TV coming up tonight.
Also, Bo is doing very well, he’s listening to us much better. Still a fucking troublemaker but hey, what little boy isn’t?
Another one down
Looks like my xbox 360 is starting to fade. Lock ups followed by the red ring of death. Sometimes it’ll work fine for awhile and other times it’ll freeze after just few minutues. Probably hit up Best Buy on Saturday to swap it. Sucks.
Eyeball is fixed.
Hit up the doc today and the eyedrops n shit did their job. My Corneal Ulcer has healed so that rules. Bad news: unknown financial damage, I’m pretty sure my insurance doesn’t cover eyes. So that could suck. Could have been a lot worse though.
I’m on Facebook now, link is on the right. That means Facebook will be old in about 2 months.
Rock Band….with RB 2 just hitting the streets I may have procured last years drumset for the cost of shipping. Psyched, should be able to get RB from Gamefly and then I can rip those tracks and move on to RB2 easily. KORN, get your shit on Rock Band, Guitar Hero is old.