I could write some long bullshit, but I’ll just post this video and say it was a hell of a show. I tip my hat to the lighting designer(s), it was brilliant. The set list was mostly older stuff, one or two tracks from the last album All Hope Is Gone. Solid from start to finish, the beginning was brilliant with (sic) and the end with Spit It Out was just balls out.
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Slipknot ruled
more later.
ross robinson interview
Ross Robinson produced the first 2 Korn albums and he is lined up to go for another round on their next album. This is very exciting for me as seen in this recent interview. He’s got a strong connection to Davis so my expectations for their time in the studio together is up there to say the least. They should be in the studio by the end of this year.
And what’s coming next for you? You’ll be working with Korn again soon, right?
Yeah, I want to get started with the Korn sessions as soon as possible. I want this next record of theirs to be like their first two records, when it was all of us in a room together, just hashing everything out. I’ve never jumped into the world of overabundance; it gets really overwhelming to be on that side of success. Success feels so deep and current because it happens in a moment, but that moment is always taken away just as quick as it was given. I have a lot of tools now that will decompose them back to what they were when they were just young, hungry musicians. It’s not even about me saying, “I knew you guys when you were nothing.†It’s more like, “I knew you guys when you were everything—no money or attachment to possessions.†They had a knowing back then that they were the maddest motherfuckers on the planet and because of that, they were. This coming album isn’t even an ego-breaking thing—it’s more of a welcoming them back home.
Do you think it will be difficult without original drummer David Silveria?
David is such a crucial part of their sound. The perfect, technical drummer means nothing to me—I want the creative, passionate drummer. People think he had bad rhythm and tempo, but what they didn’t realize was that he was following Jon’s vocals instead of the guitars. Duh! Fuck these people who try to make every aspect of the music perfect and every drumbeat in its perfect place. Clean, polished drum tracks have no place in my studio, and if you don’t get that concept, then you don’t belong in my studio either. People like David get that, and they play from the place where creation is just waiting to jump out. The other lifeless players play from a place of image and desire and they are the reason why I throw things at people’s heads in my studio.
Best Super Bowl Ad
The koala part kills me everytime.
Skate 2
Media Frenzy
I have so much shit to watch now, I don’t know where to start. Fringe and Lost are back. Nip/Tuck is off to a hell of a mid season start. Americas Best Dance Crew is back and could be the best season yet. Addicted to watching Sliders on Netflix Watch it Now along with 30 Rock. Just finished playing Prince of Persia and really dug it. And now I got Skate 2!
The cats from 1UP who lost their gigs have started back up doing their own shit…Rebel FM replaces 1UP Yours and CO-OP rises from the 1UP Show ashes.
And Obama is now offically The Man! Things are looking positive these days! PLUS! Slipknot at MSG in 2 weeks! AAHHHHHHHH!
Happy New Year!
Just a few hours left of 2008, here’s to a great 2009. Keeping with tradition, I’m not making any New Years resolutions because that’s all hack bullshit. I’ll do what I said last year and work to make my life better.
I took a big step yesterday with that, I paid off my car 5 months early. A huge debt is now gone and it feels awesome. My car is still in fantastic condition and has kept a lot of it’s value (15k on the current mileage). My plan is to keep it until the engine falls out. No need to take on new debt for a new car when mine still rules. My eye is now on the prize of moving out…some where yet to be determined.
Happy Holidays
The season is almost over. I’m outta here for a few days to visit family and then the new year is right there. I gotta work New Years Day, but I could use the money and maybe it’ll be the start of a good 2009. 2008 has been kinda fucked up.
leenks.com – Lazy Town + Lil John = Genius
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Also! Ludacris>Kanye.
Somebody wasn’t paying attention
The camera guy had to have set Palin up, there is no other way.
Jump to about 2:30 to get to the point. This stupid turkey pardoning ritual that goes down every Thanksgiving season is enough as it is. But this is just a whole new level as Dumbell Palin gives a post interview outside of the turkey pen only to blabber on right in front of turkeys being slaughtered for food! Look at the guy holding the turkey upside down as the gore pours out of the stupid thing! “Am I on TV? Are they getting this shit? I can’t be in frame….am I? They wouldn’t do that. Nah, they wouldn’t.”
She’s still the butt of a joke even when she’s completely irrelevant now.