Got my eye fixed.

It went well, Dr. Hersch was really psyched. He got 90% of the scar and thinks that my vision should return back to normal. Could take up to a month to completely heal, but it’s something to look forward to. Right now it’s really blurry, I have a clear contact lens that comes out on Monday. My eye stings but not a lot, but this morning it was like my eye was going supernova. Got 3 different drops, one for anti inflammatory, one for pain and one antibiotic.

The procudure was pretty easy actually, it’s more mentally daunting than anything. Didn’t need any sedative, and the surgery took like 15 minutes. You can’t see anything but a light and a mess of blurry colors. It didn’t really hurt, I could feel pressure like when you rub your eye. Thank god it’s over with though, it’s been a long time coming and I just want this to be over and done with.

My favorite drummers

In no particular order.

Brian Chase (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
Joey Jordison (Slipknot)
Jimmy Chamberlin (Smashing Pumpkins)
David Silveria (Korn)
Chris Dangerous (The Hives)
Joey Castillo (Queens of the Stone Age)
Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters)

Heat Wave

I’m looking for it. It’s been trying to get out of the 40’s for a few days, been rainy or just cloudy for days now. Tomorrow should be close to 60 and it looks like it’s going to be over 50 for the rest of the week. Not wearing a coat is the greatest.

Yay Verizon

After feeling slighted from the first phone call to verizon, I was so bugged that I called back. Got a girl who wasn’t a poopy head and fixed my bill. 71 dollars taken off bringing my bill down to what it should be.

Thank you!

Not a happy Verizon customer

To make a long story short:
A month or so ago I upgraded my cell plan to unlimited data for 60 a month. With taxes and shit, it got to like 80 bucks. The service BLEW. It was like being on the internet in 1994 on a 2 inch screen. Slow, nothing loaded right. I had that shit for a week and called Verizon to change it back to how I had it. I said change it now exactly to how it was before, this “upgrade” is insulting. So I go on my merry way and now I find out that she didn’t make the change until the next billing cycle started (3/5). So for some asinine reason my text plan wasn’t unlimited and I’m being charged 80 bucks for overages. That’s about 800 text messages that I’m suddenly paying for. What kind of bullshit is that?

Hey, I get a 10% “inconvenience refund” though! My contract doesn’t end until Jan 2010…

Media updates

Got Stoked for 360, seems like it is better than Shaun White Snowboarding so far.

Nip/Tuck has finished it’s season and it was the best season in years. I expect them to bundle both halves of the season into a set, I’ll probably pick it up then. Season 6…2011?! Long wait for the end.

Breaking Bad starts it’s new season tonight on AMC! Awesome, awesome show.

The weather has been good this weekend, let’s hope Spring rolls up early.

Got a hold of the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album. Lots of synth, not sure what to make of it just yet.

Friday the 13th (2009)

Saw it tonight and I really liked it. The only real complaints I have are the standard horror cliche kind; why are you going over there? Why the fuck would anyone do that? type stuff. Annoying, but nothing too obnoxious.

I really, really liked how this movie looked. The whole movie was just really well made. I’ve become a big fan of Marcus Nispels’ directing style (this and TCM). There are some really beautiful shots and set ups, sneak up Jason was in full effect. I’d like to see him do the new Nightmare movie. It felt true to the series while altering bits and pieces here and there, I like this take on Jason a lot more than the zombie Jason. Felt more believable, while keeping that menacing quality as a huge force that could stalk or pounce at a moments notice. The tunnels were cool to explain how he could pop around
really fast and running Jason was just cool to see.

I thought the kills were…tasteful. After a lot of ultra gore the past few years I thought it was a good idea to reel it back a bit with some pretty brutal shit here and there to punch it up. Sure, it falls short on the real creative elements but it all looked really believable and the body count is pretty high.

I don’t see why it’s getting brutalized by critics, the whole audience I was with seemed to all have fun and it was actually genuinely funny at parts. The dude that screams in the cop car was fucking hilarious and the 3rd set of bare titties are just fantastic.

Go see it.