Korn House of Blues 5-21-09

After thinking about it for 2 months, the big day finally came. My 5th (and best) Korn show. Went with Bagels and Kyle, we had a room at The Showboat which the House of Blues is in. We had a room on the 19th floor and just had to take the elevator to the 2nd floor to get to the music hall, it was right out of the elevator bank, it was perfect. Small venue, I think there was around 1,200 in attendance. The balcony was almost full, but the floor was packed.

I got a Meet and Greet pass through the Korn fanclub and got to go backstage. Orginazation wasn’t the strong suit. The ticket said security would take you to the meeting spot at the merch booth, but I was just let in to find it myself. I headed to the back where I saw a group of people and saw the merch table, just to the right I saw a door with a security guy. He let me back where the wait began. I wish I brought the cover jacket for Fieldy’s book and the Alone I Play DVD, the ticket only said to bring one thing to sign and no camera (I brought a camera though). I could have easily gotten them signed. So there were like 12 of us standing in this hallway waiting and then Ray and Fieldy came out from the right (I was further down the line on the left).

Ray is awesome, he signed my ticket. Really nice, I told him welcome to Korn and he seemed to appreciate it. Then I met Fieldy, got my Freak on a Leash Mixes vinyl signed (it looks great awesome signed). I mentioned Kyles tattoo that he did and he remembered! Said he wanted to see it! Never got to see him again though. Kyle and Brian were around the venue at the time, I missed it when Fieldy went out the door to the merch table to sign some books (Munky came out then and I was distracted). They totally could have got to him then. I was juggling all of this shit and didn’t know what was happening, should have thought about it more. I was kinda on a high being backstage, it felt really surreal. Munky came by and he’s awesome too (of course). I turned into a babbling ass, I had so much to say and was just like “You’re awesome! Korn! Korn? Yeah Korn!” He laughed, signed the vinyl and asked where I got it. Got a great pic with him too (they all came out well actually). Jon took some more time to come out, but he didn’t stop to take any pictures. Hellos, hand shakes and signatures down the line. He gave me a warm hello when he saw me, we shook hands, got his signature and I said I was at the 2nd stop of his Alone I Play Tour and asked if Korn is going to come to Rock Band (“I think they are working on it now”). He moseyed through, then everyone took off. That was close to 9:30 the opening act Burning Halo was just finishing up (nothing special).

At 10:11pm Korn hit the stage and shook the place to its foundation!

Right Now
Good God
Did My Time
Falling Away From Me
Ball Tongue
ADIDAS backpipe intro==> Helmet In The Bush
Y’all Want A Single
Coming Undone / We Will Rock You
Somebody Someone
Freak On A Leash


Here to Stay
Got The Life

It was pretty much an old school set list. They sounded so amazing, the 10 month break really helped energize them. Ray is PERFECT for Korn. Since David left in 2006 they’ve been working with 3 other drummers, but Ray really gets it. He has David’s style perfectly. Perfect timing and tempo, plays hard as hell. He’s got a great looking kit for the tour and was breaking sticks left and right and never missed a beat. He’s just a fantastic drummer. This is Shane Gibsons, shit 6th tour? with them along with Zac. And he has really loosened up and knows Heads parts backwards and forwards. He just shreds and stomps around like a madman. I couldn’t see Zac because the speaker stack was blocking him. Fieldy was just on fire, he has got to be the most entertaining musician to watch. He’s got all of these awesome moves as he plays, hopping around, just jamming and having a ball. He has a great time playing with Ray, they have awesome new sections to Somebody Someone and a killer intro to Freak on a Leash that really needs to be released on DVD or something. It’s fast and heavy (Fieldy goes nuts, it’s awesome) and then they slow it down to drop into Freak. Munky has a new face paint and tweed jacket going on, he was as solid as he always is (even broke out the robot at one point!). And Jonathan Davis! His voice has never been stronger. He sounds just like the albums. His range is insane, I don’t know how he can yell and not shred his throat doing it. Good God gave me chills, you can see him go to that head space where he first wrote that song years ago. Just totally getting into it, rocking his mic stand all over the place (they tie it down with rubber cords!) Just a killer show, you could see they were having fun! They sound so tight and strong that I have huge hopes for the album they are working on now, hopefully they finish it this year (this tour is going well into July).

The crowd was great too. The balcony took some time to get into it, but we got it bouncing pretty good. For the encore I ran down the 8 rows with Kyle to get right to the guardrail of the balcony. Greatest idea ever. Like 25 feet in the air, 35 feet from the stage. Speaker stack was right there, but it still sounded awesome. Looking down I could see people getting trucked left and right, but they got picked up quickly by others. There was a huge bitch running around down there whipping guys with a belt or her bra or some shit like that. She was a beast. The security front a center was busy pulling crowd surfers down the whole show, that looked like a pain in the ass. They did that for just under an hour and a half.

Had a great time and really liked the House of Blues, they run a good venue. Too bad Atlantic City is so shady.